Drupal Technical
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When we try to theme a Drupal website certain case we need to create particular region in the Drupal website. Adding region for a Drupal website is not a hard task, even a developer first creating a Drupal website can create a region. In order to add regions inside a Drupal website we only need to add a few lines extra for that. Below there are three version of drupal for the drupal 6 and 7 version creating the region is same but for the Drupal 5 version it is slightly different.
Drupal Technical
min read
If we create a drupal website and if we are trying to add a new theme for the website from the themes available what to do ? The first thing is to find a suitable theme for the website as per the requirement of the site. Before searching for a new theme we need to do certains things, try to sketch out the general layout of the new site. There are few thing we need to give some importance.
Drupal Technical
min read
This article will be explaining how to add a scroll bar for a Drupal block.There are certain circumstances, where we need to add scroll bars with a block. If you come across this situation please go through the full article. I have faced a situation to add a scroll bar inside a Drupal block for displaying an article title along with content in a trimmed format. Drupal block already has options to display a number of items inside the block. But if we display all in a single block it will be a big block and is it was not our requirement. If we want to display a block with a particular height you can use the below ideas.
Drupal Technical
min read
To add a video file inside the drupal site, there are different ways. If we are entering a video file inside the drupal site by entering the url inside a text field, and we need to find the url entered is of which type (ie the url is of youtube or vimeo type).