Drupal Technical
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I had a chance to work on the Drupal-8 environment with its development version only released. I could able to design a simple site using the same and got stuck with some issues on the flow.The following are some release issue i faced during the design of the same.
Drupal Technical
min read
I had updated a Drupal site recently and do had faced some issues after successful update of the site. Upgrading a Drupal site is an effective way to make sure that your Drupal site is currently updated with all the latest security updates. Before performing any major changes on your Drupal site, remember to take a complete files and database backup of the site.
Drupal Technical
min read
Facebook OAuth module helps to extract data from user's Facebook account details and map that user's Drupal account during registration. The user details will be extracted directly from the Facebook account details and user can define the custom field types to be extracted with validations. Validations means the mandatory field info's that should be present in the Facebook account details before extract using the FBoauth API.
Digital Marketing
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I have used universal font WOFF also known as Oswald for one of Drupal sites header navigation menu bar links as font style. A font(WOFF) is truly universal means the availability is improved and also the font uses less bandwidth with compressed data, which loads the websites faster.
Drupal Technical
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A Hello Bar is a simple advertisement bar which provides a notification on the corresponding region in the page and to redirect to other pages. The main advantage of using Hello Bar in Drupal websites is to set and increase traffics for specific pages in your sites.
Drupal Technical
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In Drupal, usage of custom modules to increase varied functionality and the use of the custom tables to store persistent data always encouraged. We can easily find the solutions by the vast entity of hooks provided by Drupal. In the case to add table structures, we use hook_schema were the structure of table stored in array.
Drupal Technical
min read
In one of my project, I need to hack the existing view page for admin and need to style the page to show additional contents. Drupal have the feasibility to get the right template file from hook_theme suggestions to change the themes.
Follow the below steps to change your current views:
Drupal Technical
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Authorize.net is payment gateway service allowing users to accept credit cards or other payment mode through websites. It allows users to manage transactions, manage payments on the basis of low-cost without any extra transaction fees. Authorize.net deals with many transactions through payment gateway from simple to complex e-commerce products and reports. The only need by a customer to choose an appropriate API suiting your business and transactions and thereby directly creating an account with Authorize.net.
Drupal Technical
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Drupal views help in querying and displaying information fast and it becomes so hard when it comes to custom table fields to be accessed in the view arguments. To help Drupal views understand the exposure of modules and custom table data, we use hook_views_data().
Drupal Technical
min read
We had a requirement by one of our Drupal client of configuring IMCE to CKeditor instead of ckfinder. I have faced the following issues after changing the file browser type as IMCE in CKeditor.