Drupal Technical
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In Drupal you can attach a js file in different ways. First by adding it to your theme's info file. Adding js to your theme's info file to call the js files in all pages.
Drupal Technical
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Organic groups module (og module) enables users to create their own groups and manage these groups. The Organic Groups module, provides user the ability to create, manage, and delete their own 'groups' on a site. Each group can have members, and maintains a group home page which individual group members may post into.Group membership can be open, closed or moderated.
Drupal Technical
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A Drupal theme is just a few PHP files, a CSS file, and an info file. Place your theme folder in the location sites/all/themes/themename of your project folder. Theme folder contains images, stylesheets, js files and templates. There are several files associated with a Drupal theme. Each file must confirm to Drupal naming and content standards
Drupal Technical
min read
In Drupal function hook_menu_alter() allows you to alter various properties of menu items. In your custom module, simply add the function. MODULENAME_callback_function will check the node type and hide the node view and edit from a particular node type. Here for our nodetype the hook_menu_alter() will call the callback function MODULENAME_callback_function, which will not show the view and edit tabs for our nodetype in Drupal.