Drupal Technical
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Nodequeue module allows users to collect nodes in an arbitrarily ordered list. For example, if you want to display images of a slideshow in a particular order, then the images can be sorted based on the position of the images in nodequeue. Read on to know more.
Drupal Technical
min read
Iframe for youtube video ignores the z-index added to it. This happens because iframes are "heavyweight" objects as compared to div. So, the iframe overlays over other div and z-index gets ignored. Read on to know more about setting z-index for iframe .
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If you own/manage an online store using Drupal and Ubercart, you would have encountered situations where you wished to set different prices for different options of a product attribute in ubercart. For example, if your store sells books and you want to add extra price for hardbound editions, here's how you can do it. Read on to know how to set this up in Ubercart
Drupal Technical
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One of the requirements of the client was to play video in the pop-up window instead of playing it in Iframe. We accomplished this by adding overlay div over Iframe, which would suppress the ability of Iframe to play video. Read on to know how we did it.
Drupal Technical
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Suppose you have to display the thumbnail image of each video uploaded in a content and while clicking on the thumbnail the corresponding video should be loaded in the page. This can be done by embedding the video in page and implementing jquery function to load video.If you are not sure how to display the thumbnail images of the videos uploaded from vimeo/youtube in Drupal then read on.
Drupal Technical
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We need to develop websites which are capable of handling YouTube video.This feature can be implemented using media YouTube module. Read on to know to add YouTube capability to a content type in a Drupal website.
Drupal Technical
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Customer relationship management is a model for managing a company’s interactions with customers. Sugar CRM is one of the largest open source CRM available. Drupal can be integrated with Sugar CRM using SugaronDrupal module. Read on to know how to pass the value of a field related to a field in another module in Sugar CRM while working with Drupal.
Drupal Technical
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In one of our Drupal projects which sells products online, our clients requirement was to collect tax from some states and to exempt other states from tax collection. We implemented this by integrating taxcloud account with ubercart using uc_taxcloud module. Read on to know how we implemented this.
Drupal Technical
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Many a times Drupal users face the problem of not being able to access the php variables in jquery function . One way of accessing this variables is using ajax but this causes time delay in sending requests.This time delay can be minimized using drupal.settings.If you are not sure how to tackle this problem then read on.