Drupal Technical
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While working with a project, I need to display a view in colorbox popup. I have done the following steps for processing popup for views. You may also look into other solved issues and details related to colorbox over here.
Drupal Technical
min read
While handling a view in one of my Drupal 7 project I need to display only a text message for empty result. I used VBO (View Bulk Operation) in that view for delete, enable, disable etc operations.
But it shows the VBO form even if there is no more data to display. To hide the VBO form in an empty view, do the following :
Drupal Technical
min read
While working with entity, I always had a doubt as to why we use Entity and Entity Field query except Db_select() in Drupal. It is a great and fast way to organize and extract our data in Drupal sites. Here are a few more points to support these concepts :
Drupal Technical
min read
I had a requirement in one of my Drupal project to generate PDF from HTML. I had implemented the PDF file from HTML using the module MPDF. Let me explain you the following configurations for its working :
Drupal Technical
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Steps to upload private documents to the web page by storing file id in a system variable and delete the file when updating the same with necessary validations in Drupal 7.
Drupal Technical
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While working with a project, I need to display a view in colorbox popup. I have done the following steps for processing popup for views.
Drupal Technical
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While cloning a new Drupal project in my local machine using ubuntu terminal, I got an error message like, "WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!, Permissions 0664 for '/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open". I found a solution for this type of error like change the file permission of id_rsa file.
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Today, as I sit here, I am amazed at the twists and turns my life has taken. My journey has been really interesting so far. I used to be a lazy, happy-go-lucky girl but now things have suddenly changed. Of late, I have been really busy - you wouldn’t believe, I don’t even have time to surf the T.V. channels back home.
Drupal Technical
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While working on a responsive theme using Drupal an error occurred like, the theme shows a non-responsive displays in mobile devices. I solved this by adding meta tag using the function themename_preprocess_html() with following code in template.php.
Drupal Technical
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I had a requirement to add a multi-level responsive drop down menu in a Zyxware theme. Please do refer the below reference links to know more about responsive themes and free Drupal themes. So I need to edit page.tpl.php, page--front.tpl.php, style.css, template.php etc.