Evolution of Experiences with Design Thinking

| | 2 min read

The web evolved out of the need to deliver information to people. In its most basic form information was presented as content. The form, structure, and frequency of such content being delivered would define a user’s affinity to the entity that delivers. Over time content came to define experiences for people online, across all domains. If you had to sell something on the internet, you had to provide information about the entire ecosystem around it. Many brands leveraged this, while many did not.

With the saturation of content experiences, just providing information was now not enough. Consumers wanted more. Thus, organizations struggled. Many ideas were executed without knowing what users really want. Businesses that did not know much better, began relying on others to set up technological systems for them.

Meanwhile, emerging digital tools began opening up new ways to do things. There was something for every micro issue, but nothing to cover the highly specific end-to-end journey for each business. There was a need for systematic expertise in leveraging new age tools with legacy systems, guided by holistic experience design, for impactful growth.

This is where Zyxware comes in, to aid business value creation through digital. Through our FOSS-colored origins, we value and emphasize Transparency & User Rights across everything we build. Only by leveraging Business, Design, and Engineering, can organizations transition to the next stage of their digital transformation.