[Drupal] Top 5 most popular themes in Drupal

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Drupal now has a solid collection of high quality themes that can be customized to cater to the requirements of any website. This is apart from the base themes provided by Drupal. Here is our take on the top 5 of the most popular Drupal themes. Also check out The Top 10 themes for Drupal 6. If you would like to customize any of these themes for your Drupal website do get in touch with us


Zen Drupal Theme

Zen is currently the preferred theme for most Drupal websites and currently holds the title for "Best Drupal Theme". It is an HTML 5 starting theme with a responsive mobile-first grid design. Zen has a solid online documentation covering its various aspects and also includes helpful code comments in its HTML, PHP, CSS and Sass. Zen is also considered to the perfect candidate for creating custom themes.

Download Zen Drupal Theme | View Zen Theme Demo




Fusion Drupal Theme

Fusion is a Drupal base theme build using a simplified version of 960px or fluid 12/16-column grid. Fusion is a powerful theme with numerous layout and style configuration options that can be modified through the Drupal Interface. Fusion provides theme settings for fonts, page width, layout and sidebar width. Fusion also provides a commented starter subtheme for easy CSS theming. It also includes a substantial number of helper classes to assist in faster theming.

Download Fusion Drupal Theme | View Fusion Theme Demo


Omega Drupal Theme

Omega is an HTML 5 ready Drupal 7 base theme which is highly configurable. It is build using the 960 grid system and therefore has a Fully responsive Grid Layout. It is highly configurable with configuration options for every region/zone size and placement. Users can also apply custom CSS classes to any region/zone. Omega has built in 12, 16 and 24 column layout support and it is best performing theme to date due to its performance enhancements.

Download Omega Drupal Theme | View Omega Theme Demo

Adaptive Theme

Adaptive Drupal Theme

Adaptive theme is yet another HTML 5 ready Drupal 7 base theme. It is a powerful theme framework build to power modern cross browser websites across all modern devices using responsive design elements. Adaptive theme gives you point and click configuration that lets you to set up specific layouts for different device groups without zero coding required. The layout system provided by Adaptive Theme can also be extended by using custom layout plugins. The theme also supports SASS integration along with mobile first and desktop first methods.

Download Adaptive Theme | View Adaptive Theme Demo


Drupal Marinelli Theme

Marinelli is an older theme compared to the others in the list. It was designed for Drupal 6 and is only recently catching upto Drupal 7. Marinelli has a flexible 3 column tableless layout. The theme features a wide image banner with a rotating banner system based on jquery cycle with options for customization. The theme also features top tabbed primary links.

Download Marinelli Drupal Theme
