How to upload your custom favorite icon in your drupal 7 theme

| | 2 min read

When we install a fresh copy of drupal, we can see that on the top bar icon, there is an image of drupal. This image is known as 'favorite icon' of a site. This is a default image which is provided by drupal. You may replace this with your custom image. If you want to know how you could change the favorite icon, please read on.

To upload our custom favicon, follow the below steps.

Step 1: Log into your Drupal 7 Admin panel. Using the top menu area, click on the Appearance option. This will show up the themes page where it lists all themes installed within Drupal 7.

Step 2: Click on the "Settings" tab at the upper right corner of the screen which brings you to the main Appearance page. Click on the "Global Settings" tab.

Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the page to explore Shortcut Icon settings section. Uncheck the box labeled "Use the default shortcut icon".
Two new fields will appear once the box is unchecked. These are 'Path to custom icon' and 'Upload icon'.

Step 4 Use the Browse button and upload your favicon image.

Step 5: Click on the Save Configuration button at the bottom of the page to save the change.Now you have successfully added a custom favicon in Drupal 7.

I hope this article helps you :-).