What is Google Adwords?

| | 2 min read

Google AdWords is an advertising service by Google mainly focused on keywords. We create ads based on keywords. These ads will show up when a user searches for our keyword. For example, if we have a shopping cart site and created an ad for 'Shoes'. When a user searches for shoes, hopefully the ad is to show up in the header, footer and sidebar of the search results.


This article deals with how to create conversion in google Adwords. Conversion is used to let the google know, when to show our ad on searching. To create a conversion on google Adwords, one must have a Google Adwords account.

  • Go to https://adwords.google.com and sign in with your google account.
  • Under Tools-> Conversions -> +CONVERSION
  • Fill in the conversion name, also select Source as Webpage, as we have a webpage. And Click on Save and Continue.
  • Set up the conversion value that suits your context.
  • Now select the Count, if you want count for each conversions separately, select 'Unique Conversion',
    or if you want the count of all conversions together, Select All Conversions.
  • Select conversion window from the drop down.
  • Select the type from Purchase/Sale, Signup, Lead, View of a key page and Other.
  • Select the Markup Language as HTML.
  • Leave the tracking indicator as it is. Now save and Continue
  • Select the option for changing the code, if maintenance of the website done by you or any other person, select the option that suits the context.

Conversion done as it checks which of the ads we setup are doing a better job. Using conversion it will give a statistics on how many clicks have from this conversion. From these statistics we can disable those ads that are not doing good and the setup better alternatives for them.