Drupal Technical
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To render a Drupal form to a node, drupal_build_form function is used. This function allows us to render all forms except the admin forms. Note that, admin forms didn't find success while rendering the same. In-order to render a form the following syntax is used,
Drupal Technical
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To render a block, a few methods are used. One way to render is to use block_load() function. In order to render a block, the following syntax is used,
Technical Solution
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By default Drupal supports different text formats for the body of the node. On selecting a particular format, it processes the text entered and output the result.
Technical Solution
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We have all User Interface germs, if there no UI for a particular process. We get into a great trouble. One such program that comes handy in such situation is command prompt. All might have terminated a running process from task manager, may not through command prompt.
Technical Solution
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Being drush in your portfolio has something to count on you. Drush has its own way of doing things. We all might be knowing on how to make a copy of the database of a project profile using MySQL in bash.
Drupal Technical
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If you are a Drupal developer and not a stranger to themes and its behaviors, let us see how to create a subtheme in Drupal. A sub theme is quite similar to a theme. When we create a sub theme, it has an independent folder structure as any theme. The only difference is that it inherits everything from parent theme. There are no limits in creating subtheme for a subtheme and so on.
Business Solution
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There are several mail systems in the online market; among them the best ones are YMLP and MailChimp. I did a study on both the mail services and made a comparison. Budget has a pivotal role in every project. The first thing is the price. MailChimp has a lot to offer to a free account holder, where as YMLP does not have many.
Drupal Technical
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Drush commands are not the strangers for drupal developers. We use drush to clear cache, enable-disable modules, install-uninstall modules, set variables and even more.
Drupal Technical
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Creating a module by ourselves, or a new requirement by client would let you to learn more, to research more. One of the latest requirement was to AJAXify a form. To do AJAX-ification was always a troublesome for me.