Things your business should never share on social media

| | 3 min read

Social media is a really good tool for any organization as it provides enhanced visibility and generates plenty of traffic to your website. Although social media certainly provides more flexibility in content compared to traditional marketing platforms, you have to be extremely cautious when publishing a new post. Please do not share Facebook status updates or Tweets that are controversial or might not be useful to your company as it could hurt the brand reputation.

So, in order to avoid a social media blunder, here are certain important things that your business should never share on social media:

Do not talk negatively about your competitor: Social media gives your brand or business a distinctive voice on the Internet. However, do not use social media as a medium to take vengeance on your competitors as it will do greater harm to your reputation than help it.

Never share information that is too personal: Although social media acts as a means for your brand to strengthen the relationship with your audience, never use it as a medium to discuss sensitive topics such as religion and politics.

Refrain from aggressive sales pitches: Social media marketing could be used as a sales tool, but you should share content that the audience finds informative, engaging, and valuable.

Do not argue with a customer who posts negative remarks on your social media page: Sometimes, a customer who is dissatisfied or unhappy with your product/service might post derogatory remarks on your social media page. In such a situation, how you react to the customer can either help to build a strong reputation and respect for your brand or land you in troubled waters. Hence, hurling abuses at the customer on social media for talking disparagingly about your brand is not a clever decision.

Do not share information that is vague or misleading: If you feel that certain information is inaccurate, unconvincing or completely misleading, please do not share it on social media. If you share false information with your customers, you will instantly lose the trust and credibility which you had earned from your audience.

Always remember that even one bad post can cause serious implications for your organization, particularly if you have a large customer base. A small lapse in judgement is likely to ruin your powerful social media strategy. So, take wise decisions and consider every post with a relevant degree of scrutiny before posting it in Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms.

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