7 Tips to Improve your Educational Website

| | 3 min read

Learning to capitalize on the evolving digital revolution might be a daunting task for educational institutions but as Abraham Lincoln rightly pointed out:

"If you ‘re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you’re determined to learn, no one can stop you."

Creating a website is the foundation to the right digital marketing strategy. The challenges for educational websites include budget restrictions and constantly having to evolve. The rise of different digital marketing channels have made marketing educational institutions more competitive and complex.

As digital channels continue to evolve, even established education providers should re-evaluate their marketing strategy annually. Students and parents now expect online registration forms and an active social media to follow up.

Start with your Mission and Vision

Marketing your educational institution is to predominantly make visible your mission and vision. This part of branding is through deliberate articulation of value and the institution’s standards through myriad communications.

Creating an Intuitive user Flow

Creating a page flow that allows for seamless user experience. This allows visitors to make informed decisions without assistance from the office clerical staff. This, in-turn improves productivity of staff, information sharing among faculty and student community.

Multi-channel Strategy

Prospectus still remain the key hard copy first given to a prospective student. Digital version including e-brochures, whitepapers, videos, webinars, newsletters can be featured on your digital, social and email communications as well as any promotional items you send out to interested prospective visitors to your website.

Timings of your Marketing Strategy

Plan or review your marketing strategy allowing time for implementation. Recommended timings are just before June, Fall or the beginning of the new fiscal year. Review and re-strategize your marketing strategy once a year. Being abreast of the latest in the digital marketing trends and incorporating it, is part of that strategy.

Making the Most of Social Media Integration

Reputed and popular schools are expected to have a strong social media presence across key channels including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp. Actively promoting the school's various programs and events through these channels help to keep the institution in focus so as to ensure visibility in these social platforms and help in brand building.

Search Engine Optimization

Ranking in the first page of Google’s SERP pages definitely helps in going a long way to drive traffic to your website especially for international exposure. Using SEO savvy website development company helps in creating pages and content that optimizes the site for maximum search engine optimization.


Alma maters help in building credibility. Leverage your Alumni for implementing and funding key projects.

Your website at the end of the day, sells who you are, and what you specialize in.

Zyxware Technologies is a global IT solutions and services company. We have been building websites and web applications for our clients for over a decade in different industry verticals. Get in touch with us to build a website that emulates and mirrors your values and principles!



