[SOLVED] How to Update Cookie Name, 'iPlanetDirectoryPro' in OpenAM

| | 2 min read

When a user is successfully authenticated to OpenAM, a session will be generated in the server. Sessions generated in the server are identified by a unique token, named SSOtokenID.

The SSOToken is a C66Encoded string, that points to the session in memory, and the Session Key is a Base64 Encoded string that is used to identify the location of the site and the server where the session is maintained. There is a period delimiter that separates the SSOToken and session key.

As the session key is a Base64 encoded string, we can decode it using any Bas64 decoders.

If you are working with OpenAM, you will be aware about the default cookie name,


The SSOTokenID will be saved in iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie.

You can easily update the cookie name by following the steps below.

  • Login in to the OpenAM console as 'amadmin', and click Configuration.
  • Click 'Servers and Sites' or 'Sites and Servers'.
  • Click server name in the 'Servers' table, which will be a link to its edit page.
  • Go to the security tab and click 'Inheritance settings'.
  • Find "Cookie Name" in the Inheritance Settings table and uncheck the box.
  • Save the settings.
  • Go back to server profile by clicking, 'Back to server profile'.
  • Update the 'Cookie Name', and click save.
  • You are Done!

Hope this helps! Please feel free to get in touch with us for further queries.