
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
When a user is successfully authenticated to OpenAM, a session will be generated in the server. Sessions generated in the server are identified by a unique token, named SSOtokenID. The SSOToken is a C66Encoded string, that points to the session in memory, and the Session Key is a Base64 Encoded string that is used to identify the location of the site and the server where the session is maintained. There is a period delimiter that separates the SSOToken and session key. As the session key is a Base64 encoded string, we can decode it using any Bas64 decoders.
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
Thinking your site won’t be hacked or is not worth hacking, can cause you to not take that extra precaution needed. Hacking is usually for using the server to send spam emails or as a temporary web server to serve files of inappropriate even illegal content. Hackers search the internet with automated scripts to find possible security issues in software. Here are 5 ways to keep your site safe from hackers.