Drupal Technical
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Drupal 7 Views provides an option to add php to the Views footer in a View page. The option is called Global PHP. It allows you to add PHP code to views, to modify its output without adding code in a separate php file. However this option shoud be used with caution as a php error here can bring down the whole site and it would be difficult to detect. There is an alternative though. Read on to know how to add an SQL query to the global footer in Views without directly placing the PHP code in a view.
Drupal Technical
min read
Sometimes working on Drupal Views is very intimidating as this a very complex module
serving a variety of needs. No wonder it is one of top Drupal modules. Once I had a particularly
difficult time trying to figure out how to get a relationship right in Views by trying to get the user
name from the users table using a userid from a field in my custom table. However I managed to
figure out the soution by reading the query generated by Views. Read on to know how to add a relationship
between a custom table and Users table in Views below
Drupal Technical
min read
One of our clients was trying to upload a pdf file on a node page in their Drupal website. The file was more than 25 MB in size and Drupal was not allowing them to upload the file as it had crossed the max file upload limit and they needed this to be done very quickly. As we were in charge they requested to come up with an easy way to do that. If you want to now the easiest way to set the max file upload size in a Drupal site read on to know more.
Technical Solution
min read
One of our Drupal clients had requested us to work on their Drupal website which was built around the ability to search the content on the site. Since the default Drupal search was a bit heavy they had opted to use ElasticSearch which was a dedicated lightweight tool for this purpose. Before developing we wanted to check ElasticSearch was running on their server. Read on to know how to check whether Elastic Search is running on your server
Drupal Technical
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We encountered a situation when developing a Drupal site where our client website had been recently migrated to a new server. We had been using git as our version control system for almost all of our Drupal projects and this one was no exception. Now the new server did not have git installed and we needed one very quickly. So instead of requesting a support ticket and waiting for a response we decided to install git manually. Read on to know how to compile and install git on a live server.
Drupal Technical
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One of our Drupal clients wanted to us to enable members of her site to bookmark their favorite nodes. We went to work immediately as
we knew that this task could be accomplished by the Drupal Flag module. The flag module did enable us to implement that feature easily. Nevertheless we needed to add text near to the flag button/link on a specific node without affecting its display in a view. Read on to know how to dd text to a flag in a node when working with the Drupal Flag module.
Drupal Technical
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One of our Drupal 6 clients wanted us to implement a feature where nodes belonging to a particular content type where to to be posted to their official twitter feed as soon as they were published. We had done a feature on How to automattically tweet published content on twitter from a Drupal 7 site. Read on to know how to do it in Drupal 6.
Drupal Technical
min read
The webform module in Drupal gives you a great set of tools to let you create HTML forms with ease with a drag and drop interface for most of the commonly used HTML form elements. Since it is considered as another content type the forms are usually placed in a separate page of its own. Usually that is all that is required, but there are scenarios where you need to embed the webform in another content type like a page. Here is how to do it.
First you need to create a custom module to write the code to embed the form in a page or add it to an existing custom module.
Drupal Technical
min read
Replying to comments is an extremely good practice for bringing recurring traffic to your Drupal website as you are interacting with your visitors. If you can send those new comments to an email address, you can respond to them quicker since a late reply usually goes unnoticed. Normally in a Drupal 6 website, the admin user has to login to the website and moderate the comments which often leads to a significant delay in response time. Check out our instructions on how to send comments to an email address in a Drupal 6 website.