
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
A few Drupal users when checking out the mobile version of their Drupal site saw that Colorbox was off-center on the iPad. It was positioned far to the left on the iPad but displaying as intended on the Mac and PC desktops with max width set to 100%. If you are experiencing the same issue with Colorbox on iPad then read on to know the fix.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Many Drupal users have reported encountering an error "Warning: file_get_contents(sites/all/libraries/colorbox/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in colorbox_get_version() (line 300 of /home/[website]/public_html/dir/sites/all/modules/colorbox/colorbox.module)" when trying to use the Drupal Colorbox module. The same users had also reported that the status reports returned a "Colorbox plugin At least 1.3.6 You need to download the Colorbox plugin and extract the entire contents of the archive into the sites/all/libraries folder of your server." message. If you are encountering the same situation in your Drupal site then read on to know the fix.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
A few Drupal users encountered a "This image failed to load" error message when trying to open images in a Colorbox popup on their Drupal site even though they had not made any changes to their Drupal site. This error was more widely reported in Firefox than in IE or Chrome. If you are encountering the same error message in your Drupal site then read on to know the solution.