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| 1 min read
Many a times, IE7 stands out from the group of modern web-browsers owing to its notorious incompatibility with many a standard HTML/CSS/JS. In this article, we are seeing the following case of incompatibility: In IE7, the CSS 'border-collapse' does not override cell spacing related tags. While adding content using CKeditor in Drupal, users may add inline CSS to style the content. We can style each element in this content using our CSS to match the design of our site. In the case of table element, if we set HTML attribute cellSpacing on the table, like
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| 2 min read
Almost all the browsers have different settings for base margins and padding. It is always important to set margin and padding for the body and html tags while styling web-pages. Otherwise it might result in some inconsistencies while displaying the pages across various browsers. We can avoid such inconsistencies by setting margins and paddings on html and body tags to 0.
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| 2 min read
"CTools CSS Cache. Unable to create The CTools CSS cache directory, ctools/css could not be created due to a misconfigured files directory. Please ensure that the files directory is correctly configured and that the webserver has permission to create directories." If you are getting this error message while inspecting the status reports on your Drupal site then continue reading to get the solution.
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| 4 min read
The trick explained briefly We are not actually going to theme the file upload field as it is presently nearly impossible to do that. Instead we are going to put an ordinary looking 'dummy' input text field over the file field. Next we proceed to make the 'original' file upload field invisible but accessible to the user via CSS. So when a user clicks on the dummy input text field they are actually clicking on the file upload field itself. To make it authentic we are going to copy the file path from the file upload field to the text input field via javascript.
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| 3 min read
Cross browser compatibility is one of the most important concerns of an HTML/CSS developer. Here’s how you can easily add shadow effect to your div blocks with cross-browser compatible CSS. Simply add the below code to the div to which the effect is to be added. You can change the size, strength and direction of the shadow in all browsers, except for IE, in which you can change only the strength and direction of the shadow.
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| 4 min read
What is CSS? This is a common question asked by most web users hoping to understand how websites are created when they encounter the three letters on the web? Almost everyone is familiar with Html as it is a simple markup language but CSS seems to be an enigma. Since most of our work in developing web apps based on Drupal revolves around CSS, we have decided to share our knowledge with you.
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While designing fixed width layouts it is advantageous to use percentage based width for inner containers in the layout to make it easy for easy scaling up of the layout for other widths. When doing so you should be very careful about setting the actual percentage values. The percentage based width should result in a whole integer as the width. If not, you will end up with fractions as widths of containers leaving the rounding off to the browsers.