Drupal 7

Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
After the core update, the site will definitely be malfunctioning as expected, as long as it isn't WSOD, you're fine! Ignore it and move forward with the migration process. If you were using a custom theme, then in all probability your site will appear broken because your theme was designed for Drupal 6 and the core is now Drupal 7. If you were using custom or contrib modules to display content or blocks the same would happen because the modules are disabled and still Drupal 6.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
1. hook_init() It gets called at the beginning of a page request (but after the modules and themes are loaded into memory) and it?s typically used to set global parameters that may be needed in the request. One thing to note about it is that it is not run on cached pages. 2. hook_views_api() hook_views_api() is not a Drupal core hook but one from the Views module .It is used to register Views API information (including the necessary files for Views) usually for implementing hook_views_default_views().
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
Migrating or upgrading a Drupal website is a relatively easy process. But to any change there is a certain risk associated with it, more so in this case depending on the variability of content and complexity of theme. The least troublesome to migrate would be a site with little to no custom code or modules. But this wasn't the case for zyxware.com. This article outlines the migration process and links will be provided to detailed descriptions from all of these outlines.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
Let us consider a situation in which we have to use the custom settings that has been done in a drupal site to another drupal site. The common way which is followed in this type of situation is by doing the same custom settings in the new site. But this is not that easy to do. The same situation can be handled by using the 'features module'. The following steps have to be followed in order to use the Features module in Drupal.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
This article is prepared with the experience of migration on zyxware.com and I have tried my best to generalize it to migrate any Drupal 6 website to Drupal 7. The issues mentioned in these articles, although common in sites that have been migrated, need not be present in yours. Please learn from these articles and keep these articles as a safe practice, not as a guide to migration. Migration is different for every website!
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
This step may seem irrelevant, but is absolutely necessary as the minor versions may have database changes which maybe reflected in major upgrade. (Minor upgrade example : 6.11 to 6.19 and major upgrade example : 6.19 to 7.34). If you are using git, make sure to checkout a new branch before updating code so that the code is backed up and take a dump of the local database you are working on.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
This is probably the part that will crash your site, so proceed with extreme caution! Migration actually starts here. Unlike the previous steps you will not be able to use drush to overwrite your core to Drupal 7. This has to be done manually. You have to download the latest stable version of Drupal 7 and paste into the root folder of your website. Make sure to not overwrite .htaccess and robots.txt. When you overwrite, merge into the folders and replace the files. That being said, there are some prerequisites to this step.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
Social media marketing plays a significant role in promoting a company's products, driving more traffic to the website, and attracting potential customers. Needless to say, if your social media strategy is implemented correctly, it can bring a whole lot of profit to your business.
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
Do you want to add a user to an organic group programmatically in Drupal, then here is a solution. In one of my Drupal module I had a requirement to add users programmatically to an organic group. So I have created a custom function in my module for this purpose. This uses the function og_group to add a user entity to a group. Refer the following code. Remember that, you can add only an existing user to a group. It will not create a new user.