The launch of Drupal 8 is bound to create more than a ripple in the pond. This latest version of Drupal, the world’s most popular enterprise web CMS, hosts around 200 new features and some much-needed advancements.
Drupal 8
In Drupal 8, .info file is converted to .info.yml file. It is a symphony component. The .info.yml file contains the metadata about your theme, such as theme name, description, version of the Drupal it supports, and type. Type is new metadata type indicate type of the extension such as module, theme etc.
Drupal 8 has brought in a lot of changes. Lots of contributed modules have been added to Drupal core. New standards have been implemented for easy use. Drupal 8 is now in the beta phase. Drupal 8 uses Symfony framework.
Drupal 8 is evolving everyday, and we are all very eager to find out how it will change our content managing experience. Here, we have listed out some of the major changes in the content management section of Drupal 8.
As time goes by, demand for anything and everything varies. For some, demand increases were as for others it degrades. Drupal is a platform that varies in reams. Drupal always endeavoured its best to be the one without any match. Thanks to those millions of hands behind the success. Because We Demand It! The latest version of Drupal to see the limelight was 9 Time as well as Drupal urges us to make use of its efforts at best. Let's move on to work with 9.
Symfony in Drupal 8 changes the structure to MVC with the help of Symfony. Symfony is an open source framework. It is created using object oriented concepts.
Zyxware Technologies is on cloud nine, as it gears up to celebrate the worldwide release of Debian 8 “Jessie” - the latest stable version of the well-known Debian distro. The much-awaited Debian GNU/Linux 8 (codename 'Jessie') computer operating system is slated for release on Saturday, April 25, 2015. This is in fact a wonderful news for Debian fans, as the new operating system brings with it an array of fascinating features, up-to-date Linux technologies, and core components.
What is htaccess ? The .htaccess file in Drupal is Powerful configuration file for web server. The .htaccess file loaded and executed when Apache server starts. .htaccess file in Drupal is used for varied functionalities such as Authentication, Redirect pages, Rewrite URL ,Directory Index and Limit access etc.
A landing page refers to a particular web page that a visitor usually reaches upon clicking a link or an online advertisement. This page usually displays information that is directly related to the keywords that has a user has searched for, or the has the relevant keywords directly on the page. Landing pages are basically conversion tools i.e. the primary objective of a landing page is to turn a visitor into a lead.
While working on a report generating system, I wanted to display footer value that should reflect based on the date filter, added in the report. I thought of creating a block in the content region and manage the contents in the block. But when I went to know about header and footer options in views module, I decided to go for it. This article is on how to use header or footer in views pages.
Drupal, up until now a PAC (Presentation Abstraction Control) architecture, has taken a step closer to MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. Although nowhere have they mentioned about MVC, the new Drupal 8 is strictly object oriented. Another feature in Drupal 8, that is different from the existing versions of Drupal is that it is not entirely Drupal. Drupal 8 uses many components in symfony like it's ClassLoader, YAML file structure, twig and so on. For a detailed description please visit the Drupal 8 home page.
After the launch of Drupal 8, there is now an incessant need for converting existing Drupal 7 modules to Drupal 8 compatible versions. Due to the substantial changes in Drupal 8 from its previous versions, developers find it hard and time consuming to migrate from D7 to D8. This is mainly because Drupal 8 is object oriented and much closer to an MVC (Model View Controller) architecture, Drupal is no longer a PAC (Presentation Abstraction Control) architecture framework, Drupal follows the PSR-4 folder structure in compatible with symfony component which Drupal 8 uses.
The radical changes that Drupal 8 brought forward have been reflected in Drush 7 as well. Drush 7 now uses composer to download its dependencies. Before installing Drupal 8 you must make sure that Drush 7 has been installed. This is because Drupal 8 can be downloaded and installed using Drush like in the previous versions of Drush and also, Drupal 8 only supports Drush 7. Unlike earlier versions, Drush 7 cannot be installed using "sudo apt-get install drush" nor can it be updated by running "drush self-update" because that will result in updating to Drush 6 and no more. Hence the purpose of this article.
Drush is a powerful tool to manage routine tasks in a Drupal site. Downloading, installing or enabling modules, running cron and much more can be accomplished using Drush. This is why its important to have Drush 7 before a Drupal 8 installation. Drupal 8 requires minimum version of PHP 5.4. Apache requirements haven't been mentioned, but I recommend apache2.4. After this we can begin installing Drush 7.
Installing Composer
While am working with Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 module migration I have faced the following issue.Fatal error: Call to undefined function check_plain().As Zyxware is a regular contributor to Drupal, its relevant that we need to upgrade our contibuted modules too.
YAML is a data serialization language which is easily readable to both humans and computers. It is for this very reason that YAML is being used in Drupal 8. YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language.
I got assigned with a task of executing drupal-8 migrations. The only way to migrate data into Drupal 8 is through Drush. While I was progressing through working with Drupal-7 to Drupal-8 migration we got stuck with white screen death.
So we find out following are the methods to correct this error.
As the drupal is getting ready to migrate to a higher version 8. The older version is overhauled by the newer in every sense. As Zyxware is a regular contributor to drupal, its relevant that we need to upgrade our contibuted modules too.
Here I am listing some of the major changes found out during migrating modules from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8
I stood to install a new Drupal-8 site on local environment.I faced a lot of errors related to php and couldn't open the site on browser. I searched about the error and I knew Drupal8 was work in PHP 5.4.5 or higher versions. So I started upgrading my current php version.
Twig is a modern template engine for PHP. It is fast, flexible, and more secure. Twig is a template framework and is a direct replacement for PHP Template. There are lots of differences between PHP template and Twig.
Drupal 8 is developed with help of Symfony2 framework, and the template files in Drupal 8 are in twig format.Read on to find out more about twig and debugging of twig.
Drupal 8 is the latest version of Drupal. There are significant differences between Drupal 8 and Drupal 7. Firstly, Drupal 8 requires the latest version of php5 to run. Drupal 8 uses a PHP framework called Symphony, which relies heavily on OOP. Another major change in Drupal 8 is the folder structure. In Drupal 8, all core modules are placed within core/ and all other modules are placed in root modules folder. Moreover, there are changes in the way modules are created. Read on to know how to create a custom module in Drupal 8.