
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
Reporting the identified bug to the developer is the first and foremost task of a tester. The tester should report the bugs in such a way that the developer can make out the bug from the report, without any further queries. For this, the tester should include every minute details of a bug in the report he/she prepares. Sometimes you may find it difficult to report bug with mere words. At this point, the importance of screen-shots come into play. In Zyxware we use Gimp, a free and open source software for editing the screen-shots. This article is meant for users who are getting used to Ubuntu and in search for a start up guide/basic steps to use the gimp for editing your screen-shots. Read on the following steps:
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
GIMP is a powerful tool for editing images but did you know that you could edit PDF files with GIMP? You can import a PDF document into GIMP as multiple layers. However the default export to PDF option would only allow you to export the document as a one page PDF as if it was an image. Here is a plugin that would allow you to export all the layers in your GIMP XCF file as a multi-page PDF document. You can use this not just for editing PDF documents but also for any xcf file where you want to export layers into a PDF document.
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| 2 min read
Zyxware recently conducted a session on GIMP for dentists. The workshop was conducted on the 17th of December, 2012. This was as part of a workshop organised by Indian Dental Association for their members on photography and photo editing. Zyxware conducted a 4 hour session on photo editing using GIMP, a Free Software Tool. Photography and photo editing are important skills for the modern day dentist given the requirements of documentation and research and communication with patients. Recognising the need for training for dentists in these areas, the IDA has taken an important step by organising this workshop. That they have chosen Free Software Tools like GIMP is commendable.