Technical Blog

Zyxware default image2
| 1 min read
When you test a Drupal website , most of the time you come across the task "Implement Pathauto module" in you website. So before you start testing, you have to build an idea of what is Pathauto module and how you can test it. Pathauto, as its name suggests automatically generates user friendly URLs. Pathauto depends on the core module path, which is used to rename URLs. So please go through the explanation below to understand it more precisely.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
While working on a Drupal site I came across this issue that if my site is having many feeds and what happens if many users try to access this, which can possibly make our site slow. One of the possible solution is that we could create another domain for our feeds so that users can access the feeds from that domain. Also you can refer the article How to create a custom feed on Drupal 7 site using views to know how to create feeds using views
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Do you want to add a user to an organic group programmatically in Drupal, then here is a solution. In one of my Drupal module I had a requirement to add users programmatically to an organic group. So I have created a custom function in my module for this purpose. This uses the function og_group to add a user entity to a group. Refer the following code. Remember that, you can add only an existing user to a group. It will not create a new user.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
One of our Drupal clients had requested us to look into the innards of their website and see if the site can contain the influx of new users without breaking a sweat. We went into action swiftly and while we were gathering the details of the site, we realized that we need to get the count of all users having a particular role. We used a simple query to get the details of the users. Read on to know how to get the count of all users having a particular role in a Drupal 7 website.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
One of our clients had a problem that when they try to delete users who have signed up via mobile app they get an error saying they must enter a street address for the user before the account can be deleted. This was because users who sign up via the mobile app were not asked for their street address, but on the Drupal site the street address is a required field when a user signs up.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Imagine if your Drupal site has more than 30-50 modules and you wanted to update them all or you want clear all Drupal cache. If you do it manually just by unzipping and run update.php or just click the clear cache it may takes more time. Hence if you can do this all process in one single command it will be easier for a developer. Here we can use drush commands to do all work with a single command and in few seconds.