Business Solution

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| 3 min read
If you use git as the version control system for your software projects be it Drupal or non-Drupal projects then there is a very good chance for you to have tried deleting branches locally. It is not very often that you have to delete branches from the remote repository. However when people delete branches from remote repositories these branches would still show up in local repositories of the developers. Here is how you handle this.
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| 3 min read
Two important aspects about managing multiple projects with multiple teams are scheduling of the projects & milestones and allocation of resources to these projects. Over the past few years we have been using a simple Google Spreadsheet based utility which we had developed in-house to schedule projects and to allocate resources for projects. We had earlier released this as Free Software under a GPL license and made this available as free template and over 1000 users are currently using this tool.
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| 3 min read
Here is a script to help you find empty directories located under a specified parent-folder. The file folders.txt contains the list of folders that are to be passed as input to the script. The script will now check all the folders mentioned in the file folders.txt, and give the list of folders that are empty. The output can either be seen at the terminal or it can be passed to a file via a redirector. Here is the code for the same:
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| 8 min read
For the first time since setting up Zyxware in 2006 we are moving our office and when else do you need a lease agreement other than when you move in to a new place :-). This is a sample of our lease agreement which we had used for our current office and which we will probably be using for our future offices as well. We are sharing this with the rest of the world as per our open documentation policy. Copy and use this sample lease agreement as a template to create yours as you like.
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| 12 min read
Any software development company which provides software service solutions to customers, has to enter into a contract with the customer, to deliver the agreed upon solution to the customer at an agreed upon price under some terms and conditions, for every project. This contract, called the Software Development Project Contract, binds the company and the customer for the period of the contract by its terms and conditions. As a startup we did not have a full blown software development contract initially and we relied on simple agreements that we conjured up on the fly. However as we grew and as we started dealing with bigger and international clients we had to get a full software development contract. We got this done by a third party and we felt we should share it with everybody and here it is.
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| 15 min read
The world is moving online. With this a huge and ever-growing chunk of the world advertising spending is moving online. A slice of this pie is for yours to take provided you do the right home work and take the right effort and persist in putting it for a sustained period of time. As with any task that generates revenue it is not as easy at it sounds like because if it had been so, it would have been tried out by too many people leading to a ruin of the revenue potential of the task.
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| 14 min read
When a company takes up a project with a client they normally will have to sign an agreement with the client that neither party will disclose information that will be shared as part of the project to anybody else and that the information shared shall not be used for creating competing products/services by the company. This is a standard document that needs to be signed for most projects. This document is also referred to as Non Disclosure Agreement. We are publishing our Confidential Disclosure Agreement here. Feel free to copy and use for your needs.
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| 4 min read
Our hosting packages and their prices have been finalized. As promised we have come up with very competitive rates for our different hosting packages. The hosting service is targeted at both the Indian market and the International market and the rates are given in both Indian Rupee and in US Dollars. We currently accept cheque, bank and paypal payments.
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One of the most important tasks in running a business is letting your potential customers know about the existence of your business and your value proposition for them. Traditionally this meant depending on advertisements - physical and electronic media based - which would result in you having to channel reasonably good percentages (especially when you are a small or medium sized company) of your revenues in creating and deploying them. The scenario changed with the advent of internet.