
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Nodequeue is a module in Drupal which allows users to enlist, remove, arrange and display a queue of nodes. It has a drag-and-drop interface which facilitates the manual re-ordering of the queue. Even without the edit permissions to nodes, users are allowed to add and remove nodes from the queue. This module is usually used on sites which have features that allow users to manually control the order of display of nodes.
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| 3 min read
Stock tickers are representations of companies enlisted on the stock market. Any website which deals with the stock related content is bond to use stock tickers in one form or the other. Stock ticker is normally less than 5 characters in length and written in upper case. They are usually clickable and on clicking those, people are directed to a listing of all content related to that stock ticker.
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| 3 min read
Reporting the identified bug to the developer is the first and foremost task of a tester. The tester should report the bugs in such a way that the developer can make out the bug from the report, without any further queries. For this, the tester should include every minute details of a bug in the report he/she prepares. Sometimes you may find it difficult to report bug with mere words. At this point, the importance of screen-shots come into play. In Zyxware we use Gimp, a free and open source software for editing the screen-shots. This article is meant for users who are getting used to Ubuntu and in search for a start up guide/basic steps to use the gimp for editing your screen-shots. Read on the following steps:
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| 4 min read
As test case is the important document for testing, testers use different effective techniques for preparing the same. Equivalence Partitioning or equivalence classes is one of the effective techniques among them. It is a black box testing technique, which focusses mainly on the functionality of a software. Therefore the main aim of equivalence partitioning is to prepare an effective test case which covers the total functionality of an application. In this article, I have included a brief note on Equivalence Partitioning.
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| 3 min read
Review is the process of examining software related documents such as Requirement documents, design documents, user stories, test plan, test specification etc. This gives an opportunity to the team members, managers and clients to get clarity on the requirements and bridge the gap. Suggestions from the team members can be taken on improving the product quality and to make sure that none of the requirements are missed.
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| 4 min read
Performance testing is one of the testing methods which is carried out to ensure the quality of the product/website we deliver. It mainly focuses on the speed of the application, possible load the product can support, amount of stress the website can handle, user's access to the website etc. Following are the some of the checklists that you can refer while carrying out the performance testing of your application. Read on to know more.
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| 5 min read
Kaltura is an open source online video platform. It offers video management facilities. If we have an account in kaltura, it helps us to manage all our media in one central repository. ie, all our videos can be accessed centrally through Kaltura video management console. Kaltura video management console, which has a rich video management system provides lots of services such as,
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| 3 min read
Importing and exporting files are common features we come across in software development. In one of my projects, I had to import large sized files which needed to be exported as well. Since normal process of importing and exporting files may cause problems when there is a network connectivity issue, we opted for Drupal's Batch API process to do this functionalities. Following are the client requirements:
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| 3 min read
Regression testing is conducted to make sure the bug has no effect on your products's performance and to search for some new problems in already examined application. Moreover, regression examining is essential to run when presenting data source or program changes, solving bugs or shifting to a different system or Os.
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| 3 min read
Test cases and Test Scenario are the documents used by the testers to ensure that the application meets the customer requirements. These are the most important documents that the testers prepare prior to testing. Even though the core objective of the documents is the same, there is a difference in their representation. Read on to know more.
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| 3 min read
Suppose your Drupal project handles products which can be purchased through online and you are using Ubercart 'taxes' module to handle tax rates which are applicable to your product. Also Admin has the permission to add tax rates and conditions. And a registered user can buy the product. Here I am going to explain some of the test cases which you have to execute while testing this functionality. The cases you have to test are:
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| 3 min read
Use case lists the steps involved in the interaction between the actor and the system. Here actor refers to the users who are interacting with the system. The main objective of the use case is to co-ordinate the functional requirement, user roles and basic flow of actions into a single document. Like SRS, 'use case' template is prepared at the beginning of the SDLC. The use cases are often prepared by the Business Analysts. The main difference between use case and test case is that, use case focuses on the requirement of the site (business requirement) while test cases include different scenarios (positive and negative) for ensuring the correctness of the application. Use case can be used as a reference for writing test cases, for getting a basic work flow of the site. Since use cases focuses on the customer requirement, the document plays an important role in ensuring the quality of the product. Here is a use case template, you can refer while preparing Use cases for your projects.
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| 3 min read
MoSCoW is a method used for identifying main concerns. It is used in software development to reach an understanding with stakeholders on the significance they place on the delivery of each specific requirement.At Risk and Requirement Based Testing (RRBT), a MoSCoW concern is given to each of the specifications and risks. The abbreviation is based on four terms measuring the priority: Must-Should-Could-Won't. The o's were included to create a phrase that is simpler to articulate.
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| 3 min read
Integration testing is grey box testing method in which combined parts of an application is tested to determine whether all these functions works together. Let us learn this with an example. Suppose your Drupal site sells online products and the shipment charge is set in such a way that it will be applicable to the product depending on the weight and destination. While doing the unit testing, tester has to test product selection, setting price,setting shipment to the destination etc separately. But in integration testing we test all these different functionality as a whole.
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| 3 min read
The performance of a site should be tested in order to ensure how fast and reliable a site is. In this article I will be covering the steps to be followed for carrying out some of these performance tests. The topics being 'testing the GZipped Content Delivery', 'Whether FTP is enabled on Server', 'MySQL Remote Access on Server' and 'Password Based SSH Access on Server'. Drupal Performance Test - GZipped Content Delivery In order to check the gzipped content delivery,
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| 3 min read
One of the most important aspects of a Drupal application is obviously its interface which is all what an end user gets to see. These Web Design issues/bugs negatively affect the final look and feel of the end product. Here are some of the most common design issues to be avoided by a Drupal tester.
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| 3 min read
User migration in web application is the process of migrating all users from one site (development site) to another (live site). Recently I have worked on a project where I got a chance to test user migration. In our project we had developed user migration in a sandbox environment. Following are the test cases for user migration. Test cases/checklists: