Technical Solution
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Have you ever faced any issue with login in to MySQL as a root user? or Have you ever forgot the MySQL root password? You can't update your MySQL password by simply reinstalling the MySQL server.
This article helps you to reset your MySQL root password.
You can simply reset the MySQL root password by doing the following steps.
You have to stop the MySQL server first to reset the root password.
Stop the MySQL Server
You can stop the MySQL server, by running the following command in your Ubuntu Terminal.
Business Solution
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Like flowcharts, BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) diagrams uses a set of standard symbols. Each shape conveys a specific meaning and business context, where it’s most appropriate. Connecting objects are lines, that connect the BPMN flow objects. In Business Process Model and Notation, different connecting objects are required to represent different types of flows. There are three different types of connecting objects in Business Process Model and Notation. They are
Business Solution
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The building blocks of BPMN are 'Flow objects'. which represents the concepts of being modeled. Flow elements refer to the elements, that form a complete process flow when connected are connected. Connectors that connect the flow elements are called connecting objects. Readers of the BPD follow the flow of elements to see, how a business process gets executed and completed.
Flow objects can be separated into three. They are events, activities, and gateways.
Business Solution
min read
The term 'Events' represents the events in a business process.
Specific details in a process can be represented by styling each event.
There are three event type in business process, they are start events, intermediate events, and end events.
Following are the event symbols contained with start event, which can be combined with any event type.
Some commonly used event symbols are following
BPMN Message Symbol
Technical Solution
min read
When a user is successfully authenticated to OpenAM, a session will be generated in the server. Sessions generated in the server are identified by a unique token, named SSOtokenID.
The SSOToken is a C66Encoded string, that points to the session in memory, and the Session Key is a Base64 Encoded string that is used to identify the location of the site and the server where the session is maintained. There is a period delimiter that separates the SSOToken and session key.
As the session key is a Base64 encoded string, we can decode it using any Bas64 decoders.
Technical Solution
min read
Today's Internet world, urges Single Sign On for multiple web applications as an inevitable requirement. It's not an easy task to implement SSO (Single Sign On), if the web applications are developed on different platforms. User authentication and maintenance of user's "logged in session" on web applications, is completely dependent on HTTP cookies. No web browsers allow to read cross domain cookies, as if it allows, it's a security issue then. I.e; Two web applications cannot share a single cookie, if they are deployed in different domains.
Technical Solution
min read
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which was designed to store and retrieve data centrally. Install OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin, before reading the configuration steps.
Hope the packages were already installed, we can start configuring a few things, to connect with the OpenLDAP directory structure, created during the LDAP configuration stage.
First, we can update the main configuration file with root privileges for the editor
Technical Solution
min read
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which was designed to store and access data centrally. It can be used to store any kind of information, but usually, it is used for a centralized authentication system (SSO). In some cases, it works similarly to relational databases. The main difference is the hierarchical structure in data relation.
To install LDAP in your Ubuntu machine, do the following steps.
Drupal Technical
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Drupal 8's routing system works with the Symfony HTTP Kernel. To do basic route operations, you don't need to learn very much about the Symfony HTTP Kernel.
Routing system in Drupal 8 is introduced by replacing the routing parts of hook_menu() in Drupal 7, and its parts, used for creating tabs, menu entries, contextual links, access arguments and actions are taken over by other sub-systems of YAML files (.yml) that provide metadata about each item and its corresponding PHP classes that serves the underlying logic.
Drupal Technical
min read
Drupal community is eager to experience working with Drupal 8. Let us learn how we can install Drupal 8.
Everyone may have faced software dependency issues while installing Drupal 8. Refer this article to resolve those issues.
While installing Drupal 8 you will be guided through several screens to configure the database, add the site administration user account, and to configure basic web site settings like location, time zone, etc.