Drupal Technical
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Confirmation form is useful in cases where we do some action that needs confirmation from the user. Drupal provides a function called confirm_form() that provides a confirmation form.
Drupal Technical
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In order to add a new jQuery or multiple javaScript/CSS to the Drupal site, it is better to use hook_library rather than using drupal_add_css/drupal_add_js multiple times. It is helpful if we are using the javaScript/CSS in multiple pages.
Drupal Technical
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In the cases of multi-stage form it is necessary to add a Back button to the forms to navigate to the previous forms. By limiting the validation errors for a submit button, we can skip the form validation for that submit button.
Drupal Technical
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Organic Group Module in Drupal allows to create and manage different groups. While creating a content, we can add that content to a group. The og_group() function allows to add a content to a group.
Drupal Technical
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Multiple database access in a site can create overheads. There is a chance of this being adversely affecting the site performance if the size of the website is considerably large.
Consider a function that returns the details of a new product. And if we call this function in different regions of a page, the query will be executed for each function call. ie, multiple database requests are made for the same result.
Drupal Technical
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Forms can be considered as an integral part of websites. Forms can be included to a Drupal website using Form API. Form API is so extendable that we can customize almost all of the form API elements. In this article I will be explaining 'how to increase the "coolness" of your form elements by adding "spinner" style.