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Review is the process of examining software related documents such as Requirement documents, design documents, user stories, test plan, test specification etc. This gives an opportunity to the team members, managers and clients to get clarity on the requirements and bridge the gap. Suggestions from the team members can be taken on improving the product quality and to make sure that none of the requirements are missed.
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Kaltura is an open source online video platform. It offers video management facilities. If we have an account in kaltura, it helps us to manage all our media in one central repository. ie, all our videos can be accessed centrally through Kaltura video management console.
Kaltura video management console, which has a rich video management system provides lots of services such as,
Quality Assurance
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As you know that it is not easy to check manually the broken links in a website. Suppose if the site contains thousands of web pages and the pages keeps on getting added or deleted at the same time. In this situation it is impossible to manually test the broken links in a site. So in this case you need a tool to do this job. 'Xenu's Link Sleuth' free application helps you to check all links on web pages for errors. The application will shows which links are broken and which are active. So here I am explaining how to test broken links in a website by this application.
Quality Assurance
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Implementation of test strategy for a particular project is known as "test approach". The test approach is usually defined in all test plans and test designs. Test approach refers to the commencement of various project activities such as planning the testing process, selecting the designs, defining the entry and exit criteria etc.
Quality Assurance
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Suppose you are testing a drupal website which sells random products. One of the cases you will have to consider is the e-mail invoice which the purchaser recieves after the purchase. In this article, I am going to share the test cases that you have to consider while testing the order verification mail.
The cases are:
Quality Assurance
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Here is a simple template for a basic Requirement Traceability Matrix. Requirement Traceability Matrix is actually the mapping between requirements, test cases and the defects related to corresponding requirements. This will help us in ensuring the test coverage against a requirement. Also, defects can be verified against the requirements or user stories.
Technical Solution
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Check out how to define the levels of priority in software testing, explanation with examples.
Quality Assurance
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Automation is the process of evaluating the AUT(Application under Test) against the specification with the help of a tool. In this article we are gong to discuss the Scope of automation in testing.