Drupal Technical
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For one of my project, I have implemented the Redis module in Drupal 8. I have used the following configurations as follows:
Drupal Technical
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For a recent project, I had a requirement to implement menu tabs in Drupal 7. Let see what are the necessary code for the same. First I created menu tabs in .module file using hook_menu() with the following codes.
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HookSupport, an on-demand development support portal needed to track the time taken for various tasks in the project base. We chose Time Doctor for this and we created a module to integrate it to Drupal.org.
Drupal Technical
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For one of my project, I have implemented the Chosen module to display a list of content in a select box with user-friendly option style. I used the following configurations:
Technical Solution
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Slick is a powerful solution for slideshow/carousel. It supports nested sliders and can be implemented in your custom block of Drupal 7 site. Slick has jQuery dependency. Download the latest jQuery and use in your page or use jQuery update module for Drupal 7.
Download slick libraries from https://github.com/kenwheeler/slick/. Extract the folder and place it in sites/all/themes/yourtheme/ and rename the library as slick. While creating slider, we need to use only slick.css and slick.min.js in the folder slick-slider/slick.
Technical Solution
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In Drupal 8, third party libraries are downloaded and managed via composer. In Drupal each project must contain only one vendor folder. Composer Manager allows single vendor/directory shared across all modules which prevents code duplication and version mismatches by merging the requirements of all the found modules into the consolidated composer.json file.