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A popular meal planning site based in North America approached us to revamp their site. The original website was Memcache for the users not only to navigate but to...
Drupal Technical
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In one of my works, I want to programmatically uncheck the checkbox option of 'Generate automatic URL alias' for a specific node editing form. For this, I have created the following form alter for the content type. I have added a custom after-build function for the necessary content type in the form alter.
Drupal Technical
min read
In one of my project I want to create user roles programmatically and the role should be enable and disable while module install and uninstall process. So first of all I need to create a YAML file based on the user role name with necessary definitions. The name of the YAML file should be the format user.role.sample.yml. Here sample is my user role id. To make the role enable and disable while module installation and uninstall we have to add dependency with enforced property.
Drupal Technical
min read
To load a node details using its id in Drupal 8 use the following syntax:
$node_details = Node::load($nid);
Drupal Technical
min read
I want to programmatically create taxonomy vocabulary and it should be enabled and disabled while the module installs and uninstalls the process. So first of all I have created a YAML file based on the vocabulary name with necessary definitions.
Drupal Technical
min read
In Drupal 8, variable_set() and variable_get() is deprecated. The variables database table in Drupal 7 is now removed in Drupal 8, and is replaced with config table. We can create a variable while installing the module using MODULE.setting.yml and MODULE.schema.yml files.
Drupal Technical
min read
While using the D3 implementation in one of my project for collapsible tree, I used the following piece of codes to add dragging and zooming feature in the tree. At first I have downloaded the D3 JS and loaded to the page callback as specified in the D3 implementation notes.
Technical Solution
min read
Virtual host setup in Ubuntu is very simple, we can do this in few steps. The following commands will help you to download the latest version of all software from its repositories(that is updation) and then install 'apache2', if you have no apache2 software. Otherwise ignore the following commands and go through the main steps for VirtualHost setup.
Drupal Technical
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In one of my project, I want to display a hierarchical structure of an array by using D3 JS, which should be collapsible. Lets checkout how we can implement, D3 JS in Drupal 7 with collapsible concept. Do you want the implementation like this, get a quote and make use of our expertise.
Drupal Technical
min read
While working on a Drupal project, I had to draw three concentric circles. Each circle was supposed to display the currently entered data in three text areas, called a golden circle. Using Raphael's JavaScript vector graphics library in Drupal 7 makes your work really simple. Please go through the following steps: