When is Drupal the Right Choice for a Website?

| | 3 min read

There has been an argument raging on the web that Drupal is a beast when it comes to building websites, or it is not as easy to build as WordPress but it is very secure and scalable. While others argue that Drupal is the best choice! Here we would like to point out what Drupal is best suited for when it comes to building websites.

To the unfamiliar, Drupal is a content management system, even a framework to build your website. It is a Free and Open Source platform that is licensed under the GNU GPL. Drupal, a scalable, open-source platform for content management provides deep capabilities as well as endless flexibility for your website. It is the platform of choice for enterprises (Lamborghini, Pfizer), educational institutions (MIT, Ivy League Colleges1), NGOs(World Bank, Amnesty International), Media (BBC, ABC), and government (USA, French Government, Australia)2.

Distinct Factors to Look for When Choosing Drupal for your Website



Where Flexibility is Needed

Drupal can add any service that you need, be it third-party tools or some new feature that you want to add to your site.

When you want a Secure Website

Drupal is one of the most secure content management systems. Drupal’s modules are reviewed and patches updated to ensure that it remains secure.

When you want the Advantage of a Free and Open Source Project

Drupal being Free And Open Source, any cost that will be incurred will be in its setup and configuration. This is in stark contrast to the licensing fee and support dependency of proprietary systems3.



When you want a Content Rich Website

When you require a site that's basically a collection of various kinds of pages with lists of varying content complexity, Drupal can't be beaten. It is also fast to develop and robust.

When you want a Multilingual Website

Businesses that wish to present the content of their websites in local languages to their target audience find the multilingual feature in Drupal 8 core very attractive. You can use your Drupal website as a single platform to share content across multiple devices and in multiple languages.

When you require a High Traffic Website/High-Performance Website

You can design a Drupal site for high traffic and speed. Some of the top websites by traffic run on Drupal4.

When you need a website that is always in tune with the latest technology, Drupal is a great choice! APIs and RESTful web services in Drupal 8 Core make the site responsive and leverage the browser capabilities to deliver a personalized user experience.

Zyxware Technologies, one of the top Drupal development companies in the Drupal marketplace has been an active player in building and developing websites for clients in varying industry sectors. We have a competent team of expert Drupal developers, technical architects, designers, and SEO experts.

To know if Drupal suits your website, get in touch with us.


[1]. http://buytaert.net/tag/drupal-sites?page

[2]. http://www.pcworld.com/article/209891/10_reasons_open_source_is_good_for_business.html

[3]. https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-high-traffic-websites-built-with-Drupal