
Fix Certbot Auto-Renew Error in Ubuntu
| 3 min read
When you make a fresh installation of Drupal 7, your URL will look like the following: http://localhost/~user/drupal7/?q=userYour site should have cleaner URLs while going LIVE. This is important in the SEO aspect too. So let us see how to enable clean URLs in Drupal 7. Here are the steps to follow:
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
The main purpose of a domain-name is to make the website simpler to access. It is easier for users to remember domain names rather than having to remember IP addresses of sites. But do you know that it would be quite useful to remember IPs when the domain name has expired? How would you access a site whose domain name has expired? Most people have no idea about this. This article is here to help.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
A few Drupal users when checking out the mobile version of their Drupal site saw that Colorbox was off-center on the iPad. It was positioned far to the left on the iPad but displaying as intended on the Mac and PC desktops with max width set to 100%. If you are experiencing the same issue with Colorbox on iPad then read on to know the fix.
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