
Zyxware default image1
| 1 min read
Sometimes we may require updating several rows of data with different queries and make sure every query execute correctly to keep the database consistency. Here is a simple solution to enable such transactions with Mysql and Python. To do this, we can start a transaction and commit the changes to the table. The data will be written to the table only after the commit statement is executed. If there is an error in between, we can rollback, so that all the inconsistencies are cleared.
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| 2 min read
Wine helps you to run windows application in Ubuntu. Sometimes even though wine exists on your system, fonts which work perfectly fine on other browsers might be displayed wrongly in Safari. To fix this common font issue found in Safari working under wine on Ubuntu, you need to update the Wine repository on your system.
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| 3 min read
Password-protecting drupal development site with .htaccess file There might be few scenarios when we need to protect our site from the general public and make it accessible to a selected group of users. One of the most common scenarios in the development workflow of a Drupal site is when you want to avoid your half-complete drupal site showing up in Google search results.For such needs, it is advisable to go for password-protecting the site using HTTP authentication. If you have cPanel installed on your hosting server, you can use the ‘Password Protect Directories’ option from the ‘Security’ section on the cPanel home page. Click here to read on How to enable HTTP Authentication using cPanel (link to an article for the same on our site) For those without cPanel, here’s how to get Apache work your way:
Fix Certbot Auto-Renew Error in Ubuntu
| 2 min read
Once in a while you will come across a Drupal site where you have to login to the site without having access to the credentials of user 1. You can easily reset the password of user 1 directly in the database or you can create a small work around to login to the site. Here is how you can login to the Drupal 7 site programmatically as user 1 without knowing user 1 credentials.
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| 3 min read
If you have a Drupal 6 site where you have access to the ftp account but not to the user 1 credentials here is how you can login programmatially to the site as user 1 without resetting the user 1 password. Now that you know that this is possible, remember to not give ftp access to users who do not have access to user 1 credentials as well.
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| 2 min read
Frequently we come across Drupal sites (live or testing) where the user 1 passwords are not known to the owner of the site. You can retrieve the password by changing the email address of user 1 to your email address and then use the forgot password option to reset your password. But if you don't want to change the user 1 email address but instead just want to change the password of user 1 there is an easier alternative via the database.
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| 3 min read
Directi is one of the largest domain registrars on the internet with their services such as ResellerClub, and they provide wonderfully complete to-go solutions for resellers. But there are times when you would want to build upon their platforms rather than just use their entire solution. For this, they provide you the Directi API. You can build upon these as you wish to build out customized solutions of your own. One of the first steps in registering a domain is checking the availability of the domain name you are interested in. DirectI API provides the checkAvailability function for this.
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| 3 min read
A VPS lies somewhere in between shared hosting and dedicated servers in terms of the features it provides. VPS divides the server’s primary resources and gives you certain amount of diskspace, memory, processing speed and bandwidth, with freedom on the OS configuration. In the case of shared hosting its like a common pool from which you consume bandwidth, diskspace, and processing power until it is exhausted. You dont get much control over the OS config.
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| 3 min read
md5sum stands for message digest version 5, which is used to check file integrity whether the transferred files are corrupted or not. md5 is a command line utility used in both LINUX or MS-DOS/WINDOWS which generates and verifies message digests using the md5 algorithm. The md5 hash comparison detects changes in files that would cause errors. The possibility of errors is proportional to the size of the file. The possibility of errors will increase with the increase in size of the file.
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| 2 min read
We were trying to create a new theme for our Drupal site and we came across an issue. How to create div "left" to be the same height as div "right" which can be smaller or bigger? Is it possible to have the "left" div height adjusts automatically according to the "right" div height? Here is what saved us:
Fix Certbot Auto-Renew Error in Ubuntu
| 5 min read
When a server is managed by more than one admin, it’s always a challenge to keep track of the changes made to the configuration. And when in a multiserver environment managed by more than one admin, this is going to be more complex. It would have been much saner if there was a utility to handle all this. The ones that we found were quite complicated and was made for handling huge numbers. All we wanted was a very simple utility to do just the job, without much bells and whistles. And so, we started out on our own. Here’s what we have now.
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| 2 min read
CKEditor Module integrates one of the most popular online editors into the Drupal content management system. This module enables you to have a full-featured and customizable WYSIWYG editor in your Drupal website. In Drupal it is easy to install and configure CKEditor from within the Drupal administration panel. Still having issues with file upload button in ckeditor? Then follow these steps for a perfect CKEditor installation:
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| 3 min read
A software bug is defined as an error or failure or fault in a system or computer program that produces an unexpected or incorrect result. This is applicable for any Drupal/non-Drupal website. The bug life cycle in a Drupal website consists of steps from identification to closure of a bug. Different stages of Bug Life Cycle are:
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| 4 min read
[Ubuntu For Beginners] Have problems installing Skype in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin? If yes, the solution to all your problems are here. You might have tried to install skype on your new Ubuntu 12.04 machine by going through the google search results for “install skype in ubuntu 12.04”. I too tried the same but got stuck with quite some errors. I was not able to find any good result on getting skype running on Ubuntu 12.04.
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