
Zyxware default image4
| 5 min read
Today, with more and more opportunities that consumers have online, switching your business online to B2B or B2C e-commerce portal is a must-do rather than just a possibility. Ecommerce allows companies to deliver a better shopping experience to every potential client and thus, contribute to increasing sales and overall customer satisfaction. There are many aspects related to e-commerce you have to consider. However, in this article, we are not going to talk about those.
Zyxware default image1
| 10 min read
Augmented Reality(AR) is a technology that superimposes a digital image on a user’s view of the real world. With the help of advanced AR technologies, the information about the surrounding environment of a user becomes interactive. As interesting as it sounds, the applications of AR are equally exciting.
Drupal Security Audit
| 8 min read
E-governance has grown and developed rapidly reflecting the social, economic, and cultural changes happening. The increased usage of the web by the citizens, the ease of use, the ubiquity of digital connectivity, IoT have allowed for the emergence of a number of applications for Government to Citizen, Government to Government, and Government to Business Services. Leveraging the web for citizen engagement, delivery of government services to citizens, businesses and inter-government departmental services is key to strengthening the e-governance capability of a government.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Visual studio code was developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight code editor which uses less RAM when compared to PhpStorm. VS Code contains features like syntax highlighting, bracket-matching, auto-indentation, box-selection, snippets etc.
Zyxware default image4
| 1 min read
The realm of app development has grown tremendously in recent years, and the creation of an app is now well within the reach of any business, regardless of their size or budget. There are several mistakes that can potentially be made in the process that can lead to problems, costing a business time and money, among other things. Here are the top 8 mistakes that are most commonly made, so that you can become aware of them and learn how to avoid making these same mistakes.
Zyxware default image4
| 9 min read
Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the systems in place today are well aware of the context in which a user is accessing a page and are able to recommend or show contents based on the user context. AI is revolutionizing the experience of the online shoppers and retailers. While shoppers benefit from seamless experience, personalized recommendations and efficient support, retailers are able to capture volumes of data which can be used to drive more sales.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
While working on a project using git repository, if you want to create and switch to a new branch, then use: git checkout -b [my-branch-name] To simply checkout a branch, use: git checkout [my-branch-name] If you want to rename a branch when pointed to any other branch, you can type the following command: git branch -m [old-branch-name] [new-branch-name] To rename the current branch, use: git branch -m [new-branch-name]
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
Session hijacking is mimicking a different person by using that person’s session id. That is, if person A gets the session cookie information of person B and A stores that cookie in his web browser manually (similar to how B has stored the cookie in his browser). Then A can get the same access as that of B if that session file is present in the server. This is called session hijacking.
Zyxware default image1
| 8 min read
The concept of knowledge generation and dissemination is deeply embodied in the process of making a difference. Knowledge Partner Network will create an environment conducive to innovation, through research of new ideas and trends, consolidation of known systems and processes, personal interactions that instigate and forge inventive processes. Guidelines, use case scenarios, lessons learned, and good practice documents are the important content in the process of attempting to make knowledge expressible and applicable.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
In one of my work, there was a requirement to uncheck the option for 'Generate automatic url alias' checkbox for all nodes. I used the Pathauto module with version 7.x-1.2 for handling standard urls in the site. When changing a node title, its URL automatically changes. In case one forgets to uncheck the option 'Generate automatic url alias' in the node editing form, you can uncheck the option with the following steps:
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
The last decade has seen the quickening in the maturation of E-Governance across the world. This has been supported by the rapid increase in internet accessibility, the emergence of a number of applications for Government to Citizen, Government to Government and Government to Business services. This brief note works out the key values...
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
Having taken care of the nitty-gritty details related to search in the previous article Search in E Commerce: The Vital Little Details, it is time to concentrate on some of the other important aspects - ‘faceted search’ being one of them. In this article, we will be explaining how facets can be used to provide relevant search results and thereby increase the conversion rate.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
HubSpot CRM manage sales processes of organizations. We can create contacts, company, leads, tasks using direct HubSpot CRM UI or using APIs provided by HubSpot. Here we are going to look at the APIs to create, update and delete companies. Create a Company This API is useful when we are integrating HubSpot with other site. Required Parameters to send Request
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