
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
This article explains how to replace tokens to webform, views, blocks and Drupal forms from the node body. The preg_replace function for replacing the tokens. The preg_replace function works in the same way as preg_match. preg_replace is used to search a regular expression and replace it.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
The World Wide Web is getting cluttered with numerous brands and products. In this scenario, how will you get search engines to favour your Drupal website? Search engines are obsessed with quality content and so your “content” is ultimately going to decide how well your website gets ranked in search engine results. Drupal is the best and most efficient platform for you to easily create and manage your content.
Zyxware default image3
| 5 min read
I was using Domain Access and Domain Variable modules in my project. I have a lot of domain specific variables which have different values on production, staging and development environments. It takes me a lot of time to set these variables with the corresponding staging and development values each time when I reset these environments. So I was thinking of creating a drush command to update all these configuration variables in single step and I did it.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
This article covers to the How to integrate Single Page Site module in a Drupal website. Single page site is of one of the newest trends in web designing. It allows you to automatically create a single page from a menu. The single page module will render all contents from the configured menus and links.It will then override the menu links so that they refer to an anchor instead of a new page.
Zyxware default image1
| 5 min read
In order to hone your existing skills and make it to the top as a proficient Drupal developer, it is critical to understand and imbibe a few things that will augment your knowledge levels further.You are bound to learn many things along the path to becoming a Drupal developer, yet you shall do well to account for the following tips and succeed at all levels.
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| 4 min read
Before we discuss on how to to join multiple database tables using db_select in Drupal 7, let me tell you that we can add as many joins as we want and most methods such as, 'fields', 'conditions', joins etc. can be called multiple times. However, one thing may be worth mentioning is that the call to join() needs to be separate. It should not be "chained", meaning that one should use this,
Zyxware default image3
| 6 min read
High-quality content without doubt is a key ingredient for a powerful brand. Think of the known brand names in different industry verticals like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Hershey's, Toyota, Ikea, Nike and you immediately have a picture of top quality and high customer satisfaction associated with each one. Each one of them did not establish their brand’s presence in the industry overnight. However, it was developed over a period of years producing high-quality commodities, not just once but systematically over a period of time.
Zyxware default image2
| 5 min read
Once your business has been launched with the necessary fanfare and you have built a fabulous and great-looking website for yourself, you will surely want the world, especially your potential customers, to notice your effort. But how do you get this to happen? This is where SEO or Search Engine Optimization steps in.
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| 4 min read
Zyxware Technologies is happy to announce that we have contributed Custom Landing page builder, yet another module, to the Drupal community.The Custom Landing Page Builder module enables webmasters to build custom landing pages using WYSIWYG editor while still having complete control over the full layout of the page including the header, navigation, page content, footer, forms and so on.
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| 4 min read
Marketing of a product or a concept is no longer limited to using the conventional methods of communicating to a potential customer like print or television advertising or billboards. Today, with the faster penetration of Internet and proliferation of devices such as mobiles, smart phones and tablets, social media tools like Facebook and Twitter have become extremely relevant to market a product.
Zyxware default image3
| 5 min read
Ionic is a framework helping to build hybrid mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript on top of Cordova/PhoneGap. It makes building of rich mobile UI easier and faster. Apart from basic framework, it includes some tools and utilities also. Generate basic application structure from existing templates, generate icons and splash screens for almost all screen sizes, test the mobile app on desktop browser using built-in webserver etc are few of them.
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| 5 min read
When Dries Buytaert and Hans Snijder wrote Drupal as a message board that would help them to communicate news and announcements between the student communities, little would they have imagined that it would become an open source in 2001 and go on to become an extremely popular Content Management platform.
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