
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
1. hook_init() It gets called at the beginning of a page request (but after the modules and themes are loaded into memory) and it?s typically used to set global parameters that may be needed in the request. One thing to note about it is that it is not run on cached pages. 2. hook_views_api() hook_views_api() is not a Drupal core hook but one from the Views module .It is used to register Views API information (including the necessary files for Views) usually for implementing hook_views_default_views().
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
The feedAPI module is a famous one for processing custom feeds in different formats like rss/Atom, csv, iCal etc. Now the feedAPI has been upgraded to the "feeds",which have more features and easy to use and customize. However still a lot of Drupal 6 sites uses the feedAPI module for handling external feeds. Let us see how a new parser can be created in feed API module.
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| 6 min read
Migrating or upgrading a Drupal website is a relatively easy process. But to any change there is a certain risk associated with it, more so in this case depending on the variability of content and complexity of theme. The least troublesome to migrate would be a site with little to no custom code or modules. But this wasn't the case for This article outlines the migration process and links will be provided to detailed descriptions from all of these outlines.
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| 5 min read
In order to communicate and interact with other web applications we need to use standard communication protocol called web services. The web applications such as Facebook, flip kart, twitter etc can communicate to and fro with Drupal sites.Web services will also allow our Drupal site to pass along content and data to external web applications existing on remote servers.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
My Live Chat provides a Drupal Plugin for collaborating with the Drupal website visitors. My Live Chat Drupal Plugin is fully customizable. It is pretty light-weight and easy to install. This requires only a free account at Mylivechat to integrate with Drupal websites. Also it is a free. It offers fast and high performance live chat solution with the most user-friendly application. It allows to live chat with visitors, monitor traffic, and analyze their activities including their search engine and keyword usage.
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| 4 min read
Needing a Ubercart module that will calculate the shipping price for various regions depending upon the total weight of the products ordered. Ubercart shipping module is an interface to add different shipping providers. It's worth mentioning what we're trying to achieve here. Cotswold Seeds wanted to provide a single shipping cost for every order, as depending on shipping address, the order value and weight, they have the responsibility of selecting the shipping carrier.Only a single shipping quote is ever going to be provided for each order, because The user would not be given a choice here.
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| 6 min read
Zyxware technologies is honoured to be a part of the prestigious annual event organized by the Indo-Australian Chamber of Commerce on 'Outsourcing and Off-shoring – Opportunities in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region' held on June 5, 2015 at Hotel Residency Towers, Chennai. Mr. Thomas P. Thomas, CEO, Zyxware technologies, represented the company at the event.
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| 5 min read
After smartphones born, people don't just use desktop computer or laptop anymore to visit the websites. They will go for smartphones, tablets, palmtops and so on. How can we keep design to all these different devices? There is a way, that`s responsive webdesign.As the name tells, its a matter of responding to the site user's device specifics.
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| 3 min read
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language, used for describing the formatting of a document written in any markup language. The idea of CSS is all about to enable the separation of document from its presentation which includes the elements such as the layout, colors, fonts and so on.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Let us consider a situation in which we have to use the custom settings that has been done in a drupal site to another drupal site. The common way which is followed in this type of situation is by doing the same custom settings in the new site. But this is not that easy to do. The same situation can be handled by using the 'features module'. The following steps have to be followed in order to use the Features module in Drupal.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Finding the way to store ,distribute and manage the data are big challenge. We know that the building and maintaining our own storage repository is expensive and time consuming. Amazon Simple Storage Service (amazon-s3 is the better way) provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalable object storage
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