
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
If you are a Drupal developer, you would often encounter a situation where your Drupal module needs to create a custom table automatically when enabled. If you are new to Drupal, Checkout How to create your own Drupal module to know how to do it. Drupal provides you this option using hook_schema. Read on to know how to use hook_schema in your Drupal module .
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
You might think what is the big deal if your Drupal site performs badly.To put it simply, if the performance of your site is poor,you will lose a lot of potential customers. So, one of the core aspects of a Drupal website is its performance. We had worked on a Drupal site that had several blocks. To enhance the site's performance, one of the steps we had taken was to set up a time base caching for all blocks. Are you curious to know how we did this? Read ahead.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
In one of our Drupal 7 sites, recently, we came across a situation where we wanted to set a menu link that redirects users to different pages based on their roles. Usually, we create separate menu items for each user and apply permissions based on their roles. However,since we wanted to avoid redundant menu items and didn't want to duplicate an entire menu branch for a shared parent menu item, we decided to set single menu item with different pointing locations. Here is how we achieved it.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Boost is one of the most widely used Drupal modules designed for static page caching. It creates html files for Drupal pages.When an anonymous user visits the page for the first time, boost generates an html page and then serves the html directly to the other anonymous users of the site, till the page cache expires, which increases the performance of the site for anonymous users, as everything is handled at the Apache level. Nevertheless, there will be situations where boost might not cache a page. Read on to know if you have faced a similar problem.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Drupal 8 is the latest version of Drupal. There are significant differences between Drupal 8 and Drupal 7. Firstly, Drupal 8 requires the latest version of php5 to run. Drupal 8 uses a PHP framework called Symphony, which relies heavily on OOP. Another major change in Drupal 8 is the folder structure. In Drupal 8, all core modules are placed within core/ and all other modules are placed in root modules folder. Moreover, there are changes in the way modules are created. Read on to know how to create a custom module in Drupal 8.
Zyxware default image1
| 7 min read
FSF-CiviCRM is a popular Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The first step in getting started is understanding the CiviCRM codebase. For better understanding, please download CiviCRM zip file from and install.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
User profile plays a significant role in identifying and categorizing users based on their characteristics or preferences, planning specific features, influences navigation, and the way interaction happens in the system.Today, almost everyone creates a profile in jobsites or social media websites. Frequent updation of a user's profile data is extremely important. In this article, we will see how can we update an existing user's profile data. Below is the code snippet that is used to update user's profile data.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
We had just completed switching our site from Windows IIS MySQL PHP to LAMP environment. As the deployment was via git, we downloaded project files with the ftp credentials and deployed the site via git. However, the 'sites/default/files' folder were of some GBs in size. We only had ftp credentials and was unable to get a compressed copy due to certain reasons. What we did to resolve the problem was use wget command to copy files recursively.
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