
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
In Drupal, while adding a menu item, we can give it a title, description, path and such details. It is not possible to give images for these menu items at the time of creation, by default. If you are looking for a solution, then read on. This particular task can be achieved by overriding the theme function theme_menu_item_link() in our theme's template.php Use the below function in your template.php :
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| 1 min read
Integration testing is grey box testing method in which combined parts of an application is tested to determine whether all these functions works together. Let us learn this with an example. Suppose your Drupal site sells online products and the shipment charge is set in such a way that it will be applicable to the product depending on the weight and destination. While doing the unit testing, tester has to test product selection, setting price,setting shipment to the destination etc separately. But in integration testing we test all these different functionality as a whole.
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| 2 min read
There may arise situations when you would want to display the contents of a block inside a template file or along with any other output variables. module_invoke() function can be used for this purpose. The module_invoke() is a function to invoke a hook in Drupal. The syntax for module_invoke is different for Drupal 6 and Drupal 7.
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| 3 min read
Forgetting a password is a usual scenario. The first thing that may come to your mind when you forget the password of your site is resetting it. If it is a live site, then we can ask to send a new password by mail. But what is if it is your local site where no mails are configured? well, I know a trick or two to solve this programatically. If you too want to know, then read on. Step 1 : Create a new file and copy the below script in that.
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| 2 min read
The apt-cacher-ng configuration requires certain changes to be made on the client side. Few changes has to be made on the client system so that during the download process the client system can check for the packages in the apt-cacher-ng server. And if the apt-cacher-ng server doesn't have the required package it will download it from the web. So the client configuration helps to make the download more faster and also helps to reduce the internet connection usage. The few things that are to be noted before configuring apt-cacher-ng clients are
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
Tagging a content properly will definitely cause your website's contents to come up properly in search results. Tagging can be done manually and automatically. If you are using a Drupal6 site and you want to tag your contents automatically, I know exactly what you need. For that I would prefer you read on. Our goal is to tag the contents automatically for which we require the following modules :
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| 5 min read
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) is a network of nonprofits working to reduce pollution through spreading environmentally sustainable waste management techniques globally. It is an alliance of committed social workers whose vision is a toxic-free world founded on the principles of justice and clean living.
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| 6 min read
As the name suggests, this client is all about arts. Wrapped and available in a single platform. For art lovers all over Britain. Artswrap is a site dedicated to discovering the finest cultural events in Britain. It is a constantly updated repository of information related to a wide variety of events in arts such as different kinds of visual arts (painting, photography, sculpture, architecture, and design), stage performances (drama, comedy, musical, etc), dance shows (contemporary, ballet, traditional), operas, rock shows, jazz, etc.
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| 7 min read
Narrative Magazine is an online magazine initiated by a US nonprofit dedicated to the promotion of the literary arts on the web. The site hosts an online library of writing by established authors and also promotes new writers by publishing their articles
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| 8 min read
LUXVT is the one-stop solution to effectively portray properties online in stunning ways to elite clients of upmarket real estate agents. It is a powerful online marketing solution tailored specifically for these upmarket agents and their properties. There is a lot of attention given to the style and sophistication that is required to create the 'wow factor. And it is this that catches the eye.
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| 5 min read
Audeze is a company dedicated to manufacturing high end audio head phones and accessories that provide exceptional quality in rendering sound output. Its high quality build and state-of-the-art technological innovations put together by their talented team of engineers help to realize a product that is unique and render the most accurate sound reproduction available today, as mentioned in their website An important channel for their sales is their website.
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| 3 min read
Multiple database access in a site can create overheads. There is a chance of this being adversely affecting the site performance if the size of the website is considerably large. Consider a function that returns the details of a new product. And if we call this function in different regions of a page, the query will be executed for each function call. ie, multiple database requests are made for the same result.
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| 2 min read
One of our Drupal clients had requested us to work on their Drupal website which was built around the ability to search the content on the site. Since the default Drupal search was a bit heavy they had opted to use ElasticSearch which was a dedicated lightweight tool for this purpose. Before developing we wanted to check ElasticSearch was running on their server. Read on to know how to check whether Elastic Search is running on your server
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| 3 min read
SSH Protocol's features can be changed using the sshd_config file.The sshd_config file is the main configuration file that allows the user to make the changes in the features of SSH protocol. This file resides in /etc/ssh folder. There are many features for this protocol and these can be made or changed according to the users needs. By making configuration changes, the protocol also provides more security to the user and server/system that we are using. Some of the main features of the SSH protocol are listed below.
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| 2 min read
I was working on a project where the requirement was to display slideshow in a page.Slideshow was created using views_slideshow module with fields as content type field holding image. After all the images were rendered using slideshow a blank image was being displayed before the next transition of slideshow.Here we encountered a problem of unwanted blank image being displayed if you are also facing the same issue then read on to know how to solve this.
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| 2 min read
HTML5 video is a new standard that allows you to add videos to your site without the need for plugins. Any additional software is not required in the user's browser for playing HTML5 standard video play. Drupal comes up with a contributed module that is video.js module. Video.js is a HTML5-based video player with a built-in Flash fallback for older browsers.Read on to know how to install and configure a HTML5 video player for your Drupal site using Video.js
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| 3 min read
We as a PHP Drupal web platform developer most often has to face the situation to export data from one table to another table of same database or to table of another database (if site uses multiple databases) during the process of any change in normal work flow. Most of us normally think to export the data from one table to another by firstly querying the required data from source table and then looping through the query result and inserting them to destination table. This can be simply achieved with a single query.
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