
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
Browser compatibility testing or ensuring the working of a site on different browsers is an important part of website testing. Same site may not look similar when viewed on different browsers. For example: The same page may vary depending on different display resolution. Therefore all the functionalities, design of the site must be tested on common browsers rather than fixing and testing on a single browser. Sometimes, changes made on a site does not reflect at once unless we clear browser cache. In that case testers need to clear cache prior to testing.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
The word 'Social Networking site' needs no definition. It plays a major role in helping users to connect with each other. Apart from this, they also plays a crucial role in promoting business (in increasing the traffic to one's site). In this article, we will see all possible test cases for testing a site with social networking implemented. Testing is almost similar in facebook, twitter and google plus. Facebook: Like button:
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
cURL is a very powerfull system which allows us to transfer data across a wide variety of protocols. cURL is commonly used to send data across websites which includes API interaction. Using a cURL request, we can do the basic HTTP request, the more complex FTP upload or interaction with an authentication enclosed HTTPS site. In this section we will go through how cURL is intialized, how to send cURL request and close the requests.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
It is very easy to create a content type through admin section of Drupal. But have you tried doing it programmatically? This article will explain to you how to do this in a very simple way. Even though fields can also be added to the content type programmatically, this section only covers the creation of content type. Let us pretend we have the following lists with us:
Zyxware default image3
| 5 min read
We had recently faced an issue in one of our client's website running on Drupal 5. The site had crashed and we were unable to continue development. We began analyzing the problem by checking the free space on the site and came to the conclusion that the now deprecated PHP Ereg function was causing the site to crash. If you are facing the same issue in one of your Drupal sites, read on to know how we successfully fixed the bug.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
When a user frequently visits a webpage, the browser automatically saves or in other words caches that particular page. This helps the user to access those pages in future which saves time. However due to caching, the changes made on a site do not reflect at once and its not useful during development or testing of a Drupal site. Therefore it is important that testers clear the cache before they start testing. Caching can be performed by both the site and the browser. Read on to know how to clear the Drupal cache.
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Drupal modules can be defined as a collective set of functions that can be used to create certain features. There are two sets of Drupal modules - 'Contributed modules' and 'custom modules'. Contributed modules are modules that are contributed by Drupal users for general use whereas modules which we create to achieve certain functions are called 'custom' modules. If you want to know how to create a module on your own in Drupal 7, you may read on.
Zyxware default image1
| 6 min read
When you set out to build a website for your company there are a lot of aspects that you should be considering while deciding on the technology decisions. Based on these different aspects and based on how you prioritize between them the technology decisions that you take would vary. Going for a Content Management System is a no brainer if you wish to manage the content on your site. Both Drupal and Wordpress are good choices for building your new company website. However there are differences between them and this is an attempt to help you make a decision on this.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
Why we spend hours on fixing HTML validation errors? Because we know how much reliability and quality matter when it comes to serving customers through the web. With Drupal, most of the page is generated, and the rest is the content that we type into the editor. If your article contains Markup Validation Errors, it could spoil all the efforts put in building a good website.
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
As an organisation, we are committed to the philosophy and culture of Free Software which entails sharing of knowledge and contributing back to the community. To take forward this commitment, we ensure cooperation of all our members in actively developing content in their respective functional areas.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
For getting started with accepting online payments through your Drupal website, you would require the Ubercart module installed and configured correctly with a desired Payment Gateway enabled. But before going to actual Payment Gateways, let us try out configuring Credit Card Payments with default Drupal Test Gateway. Pre requirements: Ubercart module Installed and configured with store, products and cart checkout. Here are the steps to configure Credit Card Payments,
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Backup! Backup! Backup! Always back up your Drupal site's code and database before you actually start making any changes to your site. Do you have access to the control panel? Cool! Go ahead and create a zip file of your entire site, export your db, download it to your local machine and you are done. Read on to know how to backup your Drupal site.
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