Drupal 7

Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Technology has completely changed the way businesses were operated in the past. Now, marketers can make their products available to the customers at their finger tips at any place and time. About two decades ago, nobody could ever imagine that buying and selling would be carried out in such a seamless manner sans the brick and mortar retail outlets. All this has been possible only because of technological advancements. Technology is progressing in leaps and bounds, opening newer avenues for success.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
In Drupal 7, when we do customizations we would want the custom module to create content in the form of a render array. We know that a page callback should return a render array which allows the custom module to handle the content as long as possible in the page generation process. Sometimes, wrapping two render array elements together could be an easy way out while dealing with render array manipulations. Here is how we can achieve that.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Drupal offers a variety of ways to implement solutions when it comes to custom theming and it has been abused often due to the very same reason. Choosing the right way is what Drupal developers find tricky. If it is not done right, it is quite likely that you 'Awesome Drupal Website' would turn into a code-monster soon. This can even make maintenance difficult. Hope this 'tiny bit of' information could help you through it.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
While working on a Drupal project, I had to draw three concentric circles. Each circle was supposed to display the currently entered data in three text areas, called a golden circle. Using Raphael's JavaScript vector graphics library in Drupal 7 makes your work really simple. Please go through the following steps: