A Hello Bar is a simple advertisement bar which provides a notification on the corresponding region in the page and to redirect to other pages. The main advantage of using Hello Bar in Drupal websites is to set and increase traffics for specific pages in your sites.
Drupal Technical
In this article I like to explain how to create a pdf document in Drupal. We will be using a PHP library called TCPDF. TCPDF is the only PHP free and open source library which comprise full support for right-to-left languages, also includes bidirectional algorithm and UTF-8.
Some alignment issues occurring in IE may be a test for your patience. We had once worked in a Drupal 6 site, and the design look well every where, but there is a small alignment problem shown up in IE. Applying a conditional style sheet saved our time. Read on to know about how to apply conditional css in a Drupal 6 site.
SimpleAds module allows advertisement in Drupal websites. I had a requirement in one of my Drupal sites to add advertisements in the site contents area. I came across a Drupal module- SImpleAds which helped me to solve the fix and the below the details on the configurations to done to use SimpleAds module
In Drupal you can attach a js file in different ways. First by adding it to your theme's info file. Adding js to your theme's info file to call the js files in all pages.
We wanted to get the value of a field in a users profile in a Drupal site when they become a subscriber (when they got the subscriber role). Since we are very familiar with Drupal we intuitively searched for a hook that we would serve our purpose. Read on to know how to get the data of a user when the user has updated their profile
There are certain cases we need to alter a webform in Drupal. How to handle this condition ? There are different methods for handling this situation. Usually for the theming sometime webform alter is very necessary, the main alteration needed are to add html tags. Here i am trying to explain how to alter the webform fields in Drupal.
Bootstrap twitter is includes a responsive, mobile or tablet first fluid grid system that ... it is styling on small and medium devices but also on large devices if a .col-lg-* class is not present. My company has a lot of free Drupal themes developed. But there is a problem i.e these are not responsive. So we started to change this themes in responsive and For that we suggest the new bootstrap framework for responsive. We success fully converted the plane html code in to bootstrap grid format.
In this section we are going to add social media icons to the responsive theme in Drupal. Before starting we need to upload and install any responsive theme(I used CoperateClean theme of Drupal). We will implement this social media icons by creating a block in Drupal and then setting up the cascading style for that block. Below are the simple steps to add a social media icons:
Step1: Create a block
In Drupal, usage of custom modules to increase varied functionality and the use of the custom tables to store persistent data always encouraged. We can easily find the solutions by the vast entity of hooks provided by Drupal. In the case to add table structures, we use hook_schema were the structure of table stored in array.
Awareness about context plays a key role in effectiveness of each task we have to do because clear thought and action is mostly not possible with vaugue assumptions or guesses. In case of web development using Drupal framework, better if we predefine each and every context we have to go through and it is very important to save our time and helps us to work efficiently. So if you are a web developer and have Drupal in your toolkit, there is an interesting module called Context, which helps you to define contexts and set up your web application based on the defined contexts. This article helps you to start with context module.
An entity is a useful abstraction to make grouping together of fields. Here I am giving you a brief view about how the custom entities created, adding extra fields, adding bundles etc all things attached to entity.
Creating basic page is a general test must be done for all Drupal sites. And you are decided to do this through automated tool Selenium.The problem we face here is that you can't test inserting contents in the CK Editor by record and play. You have to insert Selenium commands for adding contents in the CK editor. Lets see how this can be handled.
It was not easy to change calling order of hook implementations in Drupal prior to version 7. From Drupal 7 onwards you can control the order of hooks called for different modules. To accomplish it, there is a new hook introduced in Drupal 7. It is hook_module_implements_alter().
While resizing an image, the important point that we should take care is, the image dimension. Image dimension is basically the width and height of an image. It should be kept as in the same ratio of the original image while resizing, if you want your image to be distortion free. ie, the aspect ratio (width:height) of the original image must be same as the aspect ratio of the re-sized image.
While working on a responsive theme using Drupal an error occurred like, the theme shows a non-responsive displays in mobile devices. I solved this by adding meta tag using the function themename_preprocess_html() with following code in template.php.
I had a requirement to add a multi-level responsive drop down menu in a Zyxware theme. Please do refer the below reference links to know more about responsive themes and free Drupal themes. So I need to edit page.tpl.php, page--front.tpl.php, style.css, template.php etc.
In one of my project, I need to hack the existing view page for admin and need to style the page to show additional contents. Drupal have the feasibility to get the right template file from hook_theme suggestions to change the themes.
Follow the below steps to change your current views:
SAP Business one helps to manage sales, customer relationships and financial operations in our Drupal site. We had one of our eCommerce Drupal site integrated with SAP and the requirement was to pass the order details to SAP Business one. We used Zedsuite integration toolkit to connect Drupal with SAP. Read on to know more.
Dealing with a hacked website could be hard work and you should be ready to make certain important decisions. Stay calm and follow the instructions provided below: