Do you want to add a user to an organic group programmatically in Drupal, then here is a solution. In one of my Drupal module I had a requirement to add users programmatically to an organic group. So I have created a custom function in my module for this purpose. This uses the function og_group to add a user entity to a group. Refer the following code. Remember that, you can add only an existing user to a group. It will not create a new user.
Drupal Technical
One of our Drupal clients had requested us to look into the innards of their website and see if the site can contain the influx of new users without breaking a sweat. We went into action swiftly and while we were gathering the details of the site, we realized that we need to get the count of all users having a particular role. We used a simple query to get the details of the users. Read on to know how to get the count of all users having a particular role in a Drupal 7 website.
One of our clients had a problem that when they try to delete users who have signed up via mobile app they get an error saying they must enter a street address for the user before the account can be deleted. This was because users who sign up via the mobile app were not asked for their street address, but on the Drupal site the street address is a required field when a user signs up.
We had a requirement to bookmark each user account of our Drupal 7 website in iPhone. In order to bookmark user accounts, first we have to save the bookmark name and image for each account. The bookmark image is added as a link to the head tag. The image path should be the absolute path to the image.
Imagine if your Drupal site has more than 30-50 modules and you wanted to update them all or you want clear all Drupal cache. If you do it manually just by unzipping and run update.php or just click the clear cache it may takes more time. Hence if you can do this all process in one single command it will be easier for a developer. Here we can use drush commands to do all work with a single command and in few seconds.
"My Drupal 7 view result is displaying a few records multiple times. How can I get rid of these duplicates?". The immediate solution that comes to our mind will be applying GROUP BY or DISTINCT by enabling views aggregation settings and simply remove the duplicate records.
Adding extra plugins to the CKEditor is like extending Drupal by installing new modules. Plugins can be used to add more functionalities to the CKEditor. In this article I will be explaining how to create a simple custom plugin and how to configure it in Drupal 6.
Confirmation form is useful in cases where we do some action that needs confirmation from the user. Drupal provides a function called confirm_form() that provides a confirmation form.
In this section we are going to add social media icons with the description to the respective icons in Drupal. Before starting we need to upload and install any responsive theme(I used CoperateClean theme). We will implement this social media icon by creating a block in Drupal configurations and then setting up the cascading style for that block.
Zyxware Technologies is extremely honoured to be part of this month's Drupal Meetup Singapore. Drupal Meetup Singapore is a series of community meetups that connects Drupal enthusiasts, developers, users, and people who are curious to know more about Drupal. The events are organized by Drupal Developer Network (Singapore) RoS Registered with UEN T12SS0015F.
Meta tags are used for page description, ever wondered on how to add meta tags for the custom pages in Drupal 7. Using hook_html_head_alter() or using hook_preprocess_html() we could add Meta tags and title.
It is very simply to exclude single nodes using views. But In this section we are going to exclude multiple nodes using Views. Only thing you need to have is contributed module "Views".
One of our Drupal client had a requirement of responsive carousel. It should have swipe functionality in mobile, So I figured out a nice jquery plugin to solve all these requirements "Timelinejs"
If you want to display some custom text related to an entity (which are not part of the entities fields. Eg. Calculated sum based on some values of the fields) in your apache solr search result, you can do it in two simple steps.
Facebook OAuth module helps to extract data from user's Facebook account details and map that user's Drupal account during registration. The user details will be extracted directly from the Facebook account details and user can define the custom field types to be extracted with validations. Validations means the mandatory field info's that should be present in the Facebook account details before extract using the FBoauth API.
In one of the Drupal sites were working on, the members of the site frequently found that the nodes they had created were crashing. They would enter content into the node fields and try to save the node. The node would appear to save with apparently no error message. They found that it was not accessible at all afterwards. This wasn't occurring for everyone. We checked the dblog and we saw that the users were getting the error PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect string value:. Read on to know how we solved this issue.
A number of Drupal users using the Drupal Organic Gropus module reported that they could not see groups that they belong to and also the groups the administrator belonged to. If you are facing the same issue with Drupal Organic Groups in your Drupal site then read on to find out the fix.
Views Bulk Operation module is helpful in the cases where we need to perform a particular operation for more than one row in a view. Some of the operations includes deleting multiple contents, publishing/un-publishing contents, change the author of the content, send email etc. In one of our Drupal project I need to perform a action to add a single field for all rows. Drupal provides a hook to declare the required operations and handle extra changes to the bulk operations settings.
This article is on how to add images to Amazon S3 in a drupal site(D7) via code. For this, download drupal module Amazon S3 ( The purpose of this module is to get the file (the file which define all s3 functions defined in Amazon)
Entities are very important thing in Drupal. Entity type is connected with lot of tables in data type. i.e entity is a object oriented concept. Entities are used to show thw relation ship with different field tables. An entity is a container for bundles. Entities can contain multiple bundles. Examples of an entity are Node, User, File, Taxonomy term, Taxonomy vocabulary.