Drupal Technical

Zyxware default image1
| 1 min read
Multiple database access in a site can create overheads. There is a chance of this being adversely affecting the site performance if the size of the website is considerably large. Consider a function that returns the details of a new product. And if we call this function in different regions of a page, the query will be executed for each function call. ie, multiple database requests are made for the same result.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
I was working on a project where the requirement was to display slideshow in a page.Slideshow was created using views_slideshow module with fields as content type field holding image. After all the images were rendered using slideshow a blank image was being displayed before the next transition of slideshow.Here we encountered a problem of unwanted blank image being displayed if you are also facing the same issue then read on to know how to solve this.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
HTML5 video is a new standard that allows you to add videos to your site without the need for plugins. Any additional software is not required in the user's browser for playing HTML5 standard video play. Drupal comes up with a contributed module that is video.js module. Video.js is a HTML5-based video player with a built-in Flash fallback for older browsers.Read on to know how to install and configure a HTML5 video player for your Drupal site using Video.js
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
We as a PHP Drupal web platform developer most often has to face the situation to export data from one table to another table of same database or to table of another database (if site uses multiple databases) during the process of any change in normal work flow. Most of us normally think to export the data from one table to another by firstly querying the required data from source table and then looping through the query result and inserting them to destination table. This can be simply achieved with a single query.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Panels in drupal is a very usefull feature for displaying the contents in a well organized manner. The site administrator will have full control over the panels.Creating panels via User interface is not a complex task. But there may arise situation when you need to create this via code. This article explains how to achieve this via code. Creating a custom content pane using the ctools content type. Step 1) In the custom module implement the hook_ctools_plugin_directory , to know where the ctools plugin is actually stored
Zyxware default image3
| 6 min read
While working on a Drupal project my task was to enable the Drupal feedback module and when a feedback is added by a user, send a mail to corresponding email id. However in the feedback module there in no option to send mail by default. In this article I will be explaining how to send a notification mail to the corresponding email id when a user adds a feedback.
Zyxware default image3
| 6 min read
If you are a web developer then in some point of time some client may have asked you to develop sites one for desktop and one for mobile, (probably in iPhone) with almost same contents. If you meet that client again after 2 or 3 years he will ask you to develop more than 5 sites to view it in different popular devices. I don't think it is a good solution to have bespoke designs for each device, since our device landscape is rapidly progressing. So we developers should start thinking radically to meet with this issue.
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
Suppose you have to display the thumbnail image of each video uploaded in a content and while clicking on the thumbnail the corresponding video should be loaded in the page. This can be done by embedding the video in page and implementing jquery function to load video.If you are not sure how to display the thumbnail images of the videos uploaded from vimeo/youtube in Drupal then read on.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Forms can be considered as an integral part of websites. Forms can be included to a Drupal website using Form API. Form API is so extendable that we can customize almost all of the form API elements. In this article I will be explaining 'how to increase the "coolness" of your form elements by adding "spinner" style.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
The Node Gallery module is one of the best options available to create multimedia galleries where both the galleries and the gallery items are nodes. The latest module version for drupal 6.x is 3.2. If you are trying to update the module from 2.0 to 3.2 you will find some issue with the cover photo of galleries. The cover photos won't come up after the update. Read on to know how solve the issue after the Node Gallery update
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
In one of my project I had a requirement to create an image in a particular image style in a specific folder, when uploading the image itself. In this article I will be explaining how to achieve this using the function image_style_create_derivative in drupal 7 to create an image in a particular image style. One another advantage of this function is that this will create the destination folder if it does not already exist.