Drupal Views is an incredibly useful module for Drupal users. This means that it will be a frustrating experience if it breaks by any chance. You might encounter a situation where the Views admin interface suddenly stops working leaving you with a broken UI with a flat set of lists with no AJAX and no theme. If you are experiencing a broken Views in your Drupal site and want to know the fix, read on to find out.
Drupal Technical
Drupal Views allows you to output results in a variety of formats including a grid view. There might be a situation where you would want to insert an additional div tag inside the td tag of the grid view to bring in additional styling like having a custom background color and spacing between the grid elements. You can implement this in two ways in your Drupal site. Read on to find out more.
The Drupal Webform module allows you to track and download Webform submissions in your Drupal site. You might occasionally face issues while downloading submissions to your Webform like getting an empty file or getting none at all. If that is the case then read on to find the fix.
Drupal Webform 3.17 users might find that the webform module has suddenly stopped working after upgrading to Webform 3.18. New webform elements fail to start showing up in the overview page. There is a simple but not so elegant solution for this issue. If you are having the same problem in your Drupal site then read on to find out more.
Webforms are used to create HTML forms with ease, track submissions and send confirmation emails to users after submission in a Drupal website. Users are notified of successful confirmation via messages send out by the Drupal Webform module. If you webform is redirecting users towards a blank page then follow the instructions below to fix it.
Drupal Webform can be used to create forms and track the results of submissions in your Drupal installation. Drupal Webform can also be used to send confirmation emails to users when they have successfully completed submission. There could be instances where you might want to send an attachment along with confirmation email. Read on to find out how to add an attachment to the confirmation email of a submission in a Drupal Webform.
You might encounter this "Undefined index: base table.." error message in you Drupal site if you had recently upgraded to Drupal Views 7.x-3.x-dev. This is not exactly an error message but it is a notice which a number of users have encountered on their Drupal sites. Read on to find out the possible solutions to remove this message.
Having a list of distinct active taxonomy terms is useful for visitors to your Drupal website as they can browse using categories. However implementing it in Drupal Views will produce duplicate terms. There are a number of solutions to overcome this scenario and create a View of distinct active taxonomy terms. Read on to find out more.
Drupal Views are not usually used to display search results in a Drupal site. However If you really need to display search results in a View here is the solution. Read on to find out more.
You might encounter a situation where you might have to sort users by the number of nodes they posted using Drupal Views. Drupal Views does not provide a ready-made solution for sorting the users according to the number of posts. However there is a work around to achieve this effect. Read on to find out more.
You have created a View for a custom content type and wanted to bring out info related to the node author. However you failed to find the Node: Author Name in the list presented by the Views Fields while all the other relevant fields for this content type are available there. So what could be the wrong and where is the missing field in the View? The fix is pretty simple. Read on to find out more.
You have created a Drupal View as a page and the View is working correctly as intended in the preview section in the View settings page. However when you visit the actual page it throws up a 'Page cannot be displayed' error after you had clicked on the View button on the Views settings page. So what is causing the problem and what could be the fix? Read on to see the solution.
If your Drupal site has some content which is restricted to certain users using hook_node_access you might find that the Views you create might bypass these hook_node_access restrictions granting unauthorized users complete access to view the content. The permissions might come into place only when the users click on the title of the node. If you need to know how to fix this, read on.
Memcache is used for increasing the speed of dynamic web applications by loading the web page faster. Memcache is used to reduce the number of hits to the database by loading the page from the memory. Memcache works for all types of users (both anonymous and admin) since it caches data like sessions, forms, blocks etc in RAM.
Implementing multiple color mode switching is so simple! In HTML we can easily add the switching color style sheets as alternative style sheets.
But when it comes to Drupal there is a slight change. Here is how we can implement multiple color switches in Drupal theme. We normally include style sheets in .info file and we cannot specify 'alternative stylesheets' just like in HTML. So here we need a module called Drupal 'Styleswitcher'. By enabling this Drupal module you will get the option 'styleswitcher' to add alternative style sheets.
For more details just follow these steps.
You might wish to have dynamic page titles in your Drupal 6 website. It is good for a website for the title to change according to the content of a page from an SEO perspective and also for a better content structure. It is very easy to implement dynamic page titles in a Drupal 6 website. Follow the steps below to change the page title according to the url of the page.
There are many situations where you need to print a view within a node in your Drupal website. A good example would be a portfolio page showcasing the Drupal websites you have done using a view slideshow that showcases screenshots of your work. It is not directly possible to print a view within node just like there is no direct method to print a block within a node. However as Drupal is a very flexible CMS and there are methods to print just about anything and that includes printing a view within a node.
Git is one of the most versatile opensource version control systems out there. If you have not already started using Git for your Drupal Development projects, this article should help you get started with it.
Please note: I have been using Linux as my development environment, and almost all my illustrations would be for Linux. Still, the commands for using git should be the same for git implementations on all OSes. Please add in a comment if you have any doubts.
If you are creating a View using the Drupal Views module and if you want to filter nodes based on nids (Node > NID filter) then Views gives you options to filter it based on a single argument of the nid. Currently there is no direct way to have multiple nid filters in Views similar to "Is one of" for Taxonomy. However there is a workaround to achieve that. Read onto find out more.
Some Drupal users have reported that there was a conflict with an external Jquery script and the Views Ajax. This occured when the Drupal user wanted to use the external script for some specifc purpose. The conflict was causing the Views UI to break. If you are experiencing this issue in your Views read on to find out the solution.