Digital Marketing

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| 2 min read
Imagine a visitor came to your site, two times a day. In the first instance, he found your media brand selling premium content through a Facebook advertisement in his newsfeed. He clicked on the advertisement and visited the media site. In the second instance, a few hours later during the day, after having gathered some more information he Googled the media brand name, clicked the paid search results, and landed on your site.
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| 7 min read
Marketing directors have been keen on designing their strategies for 2016 while keeping in mind the social media marketing trends that are going to have the biggest impact on their efforts. If you are in the middle of developing your social media marketing strategy for 2016, then you should definitely take some time to review the social media marketing trends for the year as predicted by experts.
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| 5 min read
The Digital Marketing industry is a fast-paced and volatile one and for any marketer who wants to stay at the top of the game, it is pertinent to stay updated about the latest marketing trends on a regular basis. One little slip and the opportunity to keep up to the client's standards and match up with the competition is lost, and along with it, a chance to reach the top.
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| 5 min read
If you are the Social Media Manager for a B2B company, you are probably in search of a strategy that will engage your users and turn them into loyal followers and give your organization long-term success. Using Social Media Marketing has long been the domain of B2C companies while B2B companies have been sceptical about its effectiveness as a potent weapon, especially in the longer run.
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| 6 min read
Once your business has been launched with the necessary fanfare and you have built a fabulous and great-looking website for yourself, you will surely want the world, especially your potential customers, to notice your effort. But how do you get this to happen? This is where SEO or Search Engine Optimization steps in.
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| 6 min read
Marketing of a product or a concept is no longer limited to using the conventional methods of communicating to a potential customer like print or television advertising or billboards. Today, with the faster penetration of Internet and proliferation of devices such as mobiles, smart phones and tablets, social media tools like Facebook and Twitter have become extremely relevant to market a product.
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| 6 min read
The astounding growth of social media networks and the use of tablets and smart phone along with cheaper data and accessibility to high-speed networks has helped to generate a huge demand for visual content. The use of visual content in Digital Marketing has grown tremendously which reiterates the fact that if you are looking to create amazing and high-impact content, it needs to be in the visual form.
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| 6 min read
For all digital marketing teams and their leaders, the challenge of blending two of the most important disciplines i.e. SEO and Content Marketing is hugely critical and needs sustained efforts to lead to success. The perfect blend of content planning and it's promotion is the key to the triumph of a marketing campaign. While the debate of SEO v/s Content Marketing rages on, it needs to be reiterated here that it is a myth that both these disciplines can be pitted against each other as both can and need to work together for any marketing campaign to reach its pinnacle.
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| 4 min read
If you are a blogger, you might know that the real effort lies in blogging on a routine basis. This is a vital element that adds to the credibility of a blog. It is essential to create an effective blogging strategy that would enable you to plan well in advance and implement it precisely. Your blog should keep your target audience informed, entertained as well as educated.
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| 4 min read
HubSpot is a software to attract customers through inbound marketing which means blogging, tweeting, social media, and SEO optimization etc. HubSpot provides you to manage all your marketing activities, group them by campaign and finally see a real return on investment across the entire funnel. Hubspot is all in one marketing and powerful sales platform and make marketing easier and more effective.
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| 5 min read
The one thing that all bloggers want is to boost traffic to their blog. However, everyone does not have the appropriate online writing strategies. Blogging can be a really tough job. It requires a lot of time, money, and considerable experience to create a business blog that people like to read and follow. Moreover, you have to deal with a lot of competition.
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| 4 min read
I have used universal font WOFF also known as Oswald for one of Drupal sites header navigation menu bar links as font style. A font(WOFF) is truly universal means the availability is improved and also the font uses less bandwidth with compressed data, which loads the websites faster.
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| 4 min read
Search engine optimization plays a crucial role in the success of a business. Search engine optimization or SEO refers to a set of rules that needs to be followed to optimize websites for search engines and to significantly improve search engine rankings. Moreover, it is also a wonderful way to enhance the quality of web sites by making them more user- friendly, and easier to navigate.