Quality Assurance

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| 2 min read
A test case is a step by step procedure to test the functionality and design of a software. Test cases are prepared after reviewing the documents required for developing the software. All the requirements should be thoroughly and comprehensively studied before designing the test cases. A good test case should include all the requirements and cover the complete functionality of the software. The software will be tested by executing the prepared test cases.
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| 3 min read
XPATH stands for XML Path. In web-based application, XPATH is a unique address for each web object. XPath is mainly used to find an element in the web page. XPath helps to get address of the web element such as check box, radio button, link etc. To write XPATH for Dropdown, first of all we need to install Firebug in Mozilla Firefox browser. Firebug allow user to view the code behind the web page.
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| 3 min read
Navigation Menu bar are intended for helping users navigate through important pages of the website. The navigation menu bar can be customized in different ways. Mega menu is one such customized menu bar, which has got high usability factors compared to traditional navigation menu bars. The main advantage of mega menu is that user can view all options in one area, without scrolling down the content. The user can access the mega menu with just a click or mouse hover thereby saving his/her time.
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| 4 min read
As you know that it is not easy to check manually the broken links in a website. Suppose if the site contains thousands of web pages and the pages keeps on getting added or deleted at the same time. In this situation it is impossible to manually test the broken links in a site. So in this case you need a tool to do this job. 'Xenu's Link Sleuth' free application helps you to check all links on web pages for errors. The application will shows which links are broken and which are active. So here I am explaining how to test broken links in a website by this application.
Software Development Outsourcing
| 2 min read
Statement coverage is a white box testing technique, which involves the execution of all the statements at least once in the source code. It is a metric, which is used to calculate and measure the number of statements in the source code which have been executed.
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| 3 min read
Sandwich testing is a type of testing that consist of two parts,they are Top-down approach and Bottom-up approach.It combines the advantages of both Bottom-up testing and Top-down testing at a time.Bottom-up testing starts from middle layer and goes upward to the top layer where as Top-down testing starts from middle layer and goes downward. Big-bang approach is followed for the middle layer. From this layer bottom-up approach goes upwards and top-down approach goes downwards.
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| 4 min read
Drupal sites usually have authorized as well as unauthorized users. The privilege of authorized users is that they can access certain pages of the website in addition to the pages that can be accessed by unauthorized users. A user account page/Login page is included in Drupal for those users who wish to access the website as an authenticated user. Read on to know the test cases to test the login page in Drupal. The default Drupal Login page mainly consists of following three tabs (Check the images for reference).
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Browser compatibility testing or ensuring the working of a site on different browsers is an important part of website testing. Same site may not look similar when viewed on different browsers. For example: The same page may vary depending on different display resolution. Therefore all the functionalities, design of the site must be tested on common browsers rather than fixing and testing on a single browser. Sometimes, changes made on a site does not reflect at once unless we clear browser cache. In that case testers need to clear cache prior to testing.
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| 3 min read
The word 'Social Networking site' needs no definition. It plays a major role in helping users to connect with each other. Apart from this, they also plays a crucial role in promoting business (in increasing the traffic to one's site). In this article, we will see all possible test cases for testing a site with social networking implemented. Testing is almost similar in facebook, twitter and google plus. Facebook: Like button:
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| 3 min read
The methodology which follows quick and well coordinated movement is Agile methodology. Agile refers something which will do very quickly. As soon as the developer completed coding, testing will start and report all the bugs. Rather than testing, a tester can pointed out his ideas also. Quality of the deliverable is emphasized which will avoid the defects coming from the end user.
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| 3 min read
Just as for File Upload fields, Image Upload fields are equally prone to hack attempts. They also have additional functionality to do post-upload, such as passing the image through various image processing filters / presets. While testing Image Upload Fields, you have to take into consideration all these points. Here are some test cases to help you test image upload fields on a Drupal site:
Zyxware default image4
| 4 min read
You might ponder as to why test a link, or even include it as a test case when there are several other major functionalities to be tested in a Drupal website. Every site, be it Drupal or non-Drupal, contains numerous links, some of which lead to external sites and some that whirl within the site. The 'web' works extensively through links, and it is through links that sites are navigated to and get found. Links are also the underlying indicators for security of a site. So links should be paid attention to and be tested thoroughly. Here are some test cases to help you get started:
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
'Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell computers and humans apart' or simply 'CAPTCHA' is something that we come across in the Log in / contact form of almost every modern website. As the name suggests, it is used to differentiate between humans and computers. It is a test which usually comes in the form of mathematical questions (Number Captcha) or image recognition (Image Captcha) for the users to solve, in order to login and access certain pages in the websites. 'ReCaptcha' is also a type of captcha which contains an image with 2 words.