Technical Solution
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A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified according to types of content: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images. We know the each web application have its own databases.
Technical Solution
min read
Backup should be an essential part of your computing experience if spend great amounts of time on computer and/or use computer for important persons or business dealings. We know there are so many stories of people who have lost all of their files due to computer viruses to ignore or system crashes. When backup files, you are storing your files separately.
Drupal Technical
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Google AdWords offers a tracking code that allows you to keep track of how well your ads are performing - if someone clicks an ad and ends up at the conversion code, the ad was technically a success. Actually, the AdWords conversion code needs to only go on certain pages not on every page on the website.
Drupal Technical
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In this article I am going to tell you some variety about slide shows that can be integrated to Drupal sites. We use slide shows for good user interface in applications. There is a lot of slide show modules in Drupal.
Drupal Technical
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Entities are very important thing in Drupal. Entity type is connected with lot of tables in data type. i.e entity is a object oriented concept. Entities are used to show thw relation ship with different field tables. An entity is a container for bundles. Entities can contain multiple bundles. Examples of an entity are Node, User, File, Taxonomy term, Taxonomy vocabulary.
Drupal Technical
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Bootstrap twitter is includes a responsive, mobile or tablet first fluid grid system that ... it is styling on small and medium devices but also on large devices if a .col-lg-* class is not present. My company has a lot of free Drupal themes developed. But there is a problem i.e these are not responsive. So we started to change this themes in responsive and For that we suggest the new bootstrap framework for responsive. We success fully converted the plane html code in to bootstrap grid format.
Application Development
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Responsive web design is a new technique for building websites that work on tablets, desktop screens and mobile devices. websites were typically designed for desktop and laptop screen resolutions. This worked well until the advent of web supported tablets and smart phones. Responsive Web Design is a new concept which leads to design an application or website in such a way that the same design can be rendered in various devices of different orientations and screen sizes providing the users with the super possible user experience, if not similar.
Drupal Technical
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In Drupal there is a lot of interesting modules. One of interesting module is the quiz.module. It is a framework for create interactive quizzes for your visitors. Also it allows for the creation of questions of different types, and to collect the questions into quizzes.
Drupal Technical
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We know Drupal 8 is the latest version of Drupal. It has lot's of difference from the previous version of Drupal. One of the major difference in Drupal 8 is in Configuration Management. In Drupal 7 there is version control system is used and for that there is different running site environments like staging, live etc are there. In Drupal 8 also have this environments but Drupal 8 comes with a file system-based configuration management system.
Drupal Technical
min read
Drupal has a lot of contributed modules. Today, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites and almost all the websites are connected with it. So, how can you connect your Drupal site with Facebook?
In Drupal 7 there is a contributed module called Facebook Events. This Facebook_Events module allows to show RSVP of Facebook event in Drupal node. This is very useful module for Drupal sites Facebook connection and also FBConnect module which can also be preffered as a linkage to Facebook events.