
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
The building blocks of BPMN are 'Flow objects'. which represents the concepts of being modeled. Flow elements refer to the elements, that form a complete process flow when connected are connected. Connectors that connect the flow elements are called connecting objects. Readers of the BPD follow the flow of elements to see, how a business process gets executed and completed. Flow objects can be separated into three. They are events, activities, and gateways.
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| 5 min read
The context-driven software testing methodology suggests for continuous and creative evaluation of testing opportunities. It is a testing way that conforms to the context of the project, more than applying a best practice. For context-driven, a good tester should ask as many questions as possible to reveal not only parts of the context but should know about the act of information.
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| 4 min read
Network emulation is used for testing the performance of real applications over a virtual network. It is the act of introducing a device to a test network that alters packet flow in such a way as to mimic the behavior of a network. Netem is a network emulator tool provides functionality for testing protocols. It will emulate the network properties of wide-area networks. Netem is already enabled in the kernel and a current version of iproute2. The netem kernel component is enabled under:
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
Zyxware Technologies is engaged in the business of web applications development services. Its chosen technology platform is Drupal, a Free Software. It is one of the largest code contributors to Drupal from India. We are looking for Senior Business Development Associates who can help us position ourselves in the web applications development services market, acquire projects from across the world and play a role in building sustained relationships with clients. APPLY ONLINE
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| 4 min read
The Webform Insightly module is used for the integration of unsightly CRM with webforms. This creates a new contact for each web form entry of our site. It adds opportunities for every subsequent entry of the contact. In this module, all configurations can be done from the admin side and any number of webforms can be added to the configuration. Here there is another option to import the Webform Insightly configuration in JSON encode format and similarly export the saved web form unsightly configurations.
Zyxware default image1
| 4 min read
A content management system lays the foundation for building an online presence for your venture. If you want to make the best use of your website to attract an audience and offer an amazing user experience, then you need to select a content management system which allows you to manage content effortlessly while saving you time and resources.
Zyxware default image3
| 4 min read
The term 'Events' represents the events in a business process. Specific details in a process can be represented by styling each event. There are three event type in business process, they are start events, intermediate events, and end events. Following are the event symbols contained with start event, which can be combined with any event type. Some commonly used event symbols are following BPMN Message Symbol
Zyxware default image2
| 4 min read
Drupal 8 was released on Nov 19th, 2015. Though Drupal 6 end of life was declared on February 24th, 2016, there are still over 84,845 Drupal 6 websites on the web. What does end of Life Mean for Drupal 6? As per Drupal 6 end of life, the security team will no longer provide support or security advisories for Drupal 6 and the core of Drupal 6 will no longer receive community support.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
When a user is successfully authenticated to OpenAM, a session will be generated in the server. Sessions generated in the server are identified by a unique token, named SSOtokenID. The SSOToken is a C66Encoded string, that points to the session in memory, and the Session Key is a Base64 Encoded string that is used to identify the location of the site and the server where the session is maintained. There is a period delimiter that separates the SSOToken and session key. As the session key is a Base64 encoded string, we can decode it using any Bas64 decoders.
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| 4 min read
Today's Internet world, urges Single Sign On for multiple web applications as an inevitable requirement. It's not an easy task to implement SSO (Single Sign On), if the web applications are developed on different platforms. User authentication and maintenance of user's "logged in session" on web applications, is completely dependent on HTTP cookies. No web browsers allow to read cross domain cookies, as if it allows, it's a security issue then. I.e; Two web applications cannot share a single cookie, if they are deployed in different domains.
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| 4 min read
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which was designed to store and retrieve data centrally. Install OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin, before reading the configuration steps. Hope the packages were already installed, we can start configuring a few things, to connect with the OpenLDAP directory structure, created during the LDAP configuration stage. First, we can update the main configuration file with root privileges for the editor
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| 3 min read
The idea of an online community has shifted from the goal of basic social exchanges to indispensable vehicles for high-tech professional users to accomplish high-value collaborative endeavors. To enable your technically adept users to derive value from online exchanges through communities, an effective design is the basic starting point. Today’s Web 2.0 landscape has stringent guidelines for websites and with the complexities demanded from online networking platforms, the challenges multiply considerably:
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
The AWS SDK provides API for multipart upload of large files to Amazon S3. We upload large images by part using this API. Multi-part API divides the large object into small objects, uploaded it to amazon independently. After the upload completes it assembles into a single object. If we need the following requirement you can use low-level API : Change sizes of part during the upload. Size of the data in unknown in advance. We need the following procedure to upload files to the amazon bucket.
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| 5 min read
Data losses and financial information theft happen at astounding rates and costs in millions. In fact, the US alone records $525 million in losses as per Statista estimates. The proliferation of mobile applications has uncovered additional vulnerabilities, with poor security practices of users compounding the rate of occurrence of cybercrime.
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| 1 min read
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which was designed to store and access data centrally. It can be used to store any kind of information, but usually, it is used for a centralized authentication system (SSO). In some cases, it works similarly to relational databases. The main difference is the hierarchical structure in data relation. To install LDAP in your Ubuntu machine, do the following steps.
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| 4 min read
Being one of the few comprehensive CMS’ available today, Drupal continues to be the most preferred brand for building websites. From personal blogs to high-security government sites, Drupal is the favored choice when it comes to building high-performance websites. To date, Drupal powers over 2.2% of the websites running globally. However, there are several tweaks and tips that you can make use of to enhance the site performance and offer a better user experience for online visitors.
Zyxware default image1
| 5 min read
Page load time is one of the most critical aspects of your website, and with Google giving higher rank to websites with faster load times, it gets all the more precedence. Optimizing these core areas can lead to considerable improvements in website performance. Focus on Core Modules for Achieving Fast Page Loads By disabling and uninstalling the modules you do not need, you can save considerably on page load times:
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
In one of my project I want to create user roles programmatically and the role should be enable and disable while module install and uninstall process. So first of all I need to create a YAML file based on the user role name with necessary definitions. The name of the YAML file should be the format user.role.sample.yml. Here sample is my user role id. To make the role enable and disable while module installation and uninstall we have to add dependency with enforced property.
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