
Zyxware default image2
| 7 min read
TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), is exploring options to frame regulations on over-the-top (OTT) services or value added third part services like WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook etc. What this means for end users is that they will end up having to pay differential rates for each of these different services and this would also give telecom providers or ISPs the right to regulate traffic to different services. In essence internet would lose its open nature allowing middlemen to regulate what people should access or not.
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Bootstrap twitter is includes a responsive, mobile or tablet first fluid grid system that ... it is styling on small and medium devices but also on large devices if a .col-lg-* class is not present. My company has a lot of free Drupal themes developed. But there is a problem i.e these are not responsive. So we started to change this themes in responsive and For that we suggest the new bootstrap framework for responsive. We success fully converted the plane html code in to bootstrap grid format.
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| 3 min read
Technology is not rocket science; it can be simple, fun, and exciting. And 'Code for Fun' has proved this beyond doubt! 'Code for Fun', the one-day workshop organized by Hackerspace in partnership with SPACE (Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment) and Zyxware Technologies for children from class 5-7 at Christ Nagar School, Vellayambalam, ended on a joyful note. Twenty kids selected from various schools across Trivandrum participated in the workshop.
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| 3 min read
In this section we are going to add social media icons to the responsive theme in Drupal. Before starting we need to upload and install any responsive theme(I used CoperateClean theme of Drupal). We will implement this social media icons by creating a block in Drupal and then setting up the cascading style for that block. Below are the simple steps to add a social media icons: Step1: Create a block
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
This article is about setting frames names to InDesign templates and uploading steps which could be used as a reference when using Print UI. We need to do certain steps to reach our output. First thing to do is install Print UI extension for In Design, and we could use the extension, Window > Extensions > you could find Print UI add-ons.
Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Awareness about context plays a key role in effectiveness of each task we have to do because clear thought and action is mostly not possible with vaugue assumptions or guesses. In case of web development using Drupal framework, better if we predefine each and every context we have to go through and it is very important to save our time and helps us to work efficiently. So if you are a web developer and have Drupal in your toolkit, there is an interesting module called Context, which helps you to define contexts and set up your web application based on the defined contexts. This article helps you to start with context module.
Zyxware default image3
| 10 min read
Today, a professionally designed website is one of the most recognized and effective mediums to promote business and organizational growth. A systematic and streamlined web development process follows several standard frameworks, methodologies, languages, and modeling tools to ensure timely delivery and quality control.
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
Suppose you have a site to test which has the following functionality. There is a text field and an editor. When we enter text on the text field, immediately it should be displayed on the editor. To be more clear, after entering the text on the field then focusing out from it, the values should be displayed in the CK editor. And our intention is to automate it using Selenium. Lets check how this can be automated.
Zyxware default image4
| 13 min read
The data in websites can be easily lost or corrupted due to vulnerable attacks or human mistakes. So it is important to store the data safe and secure. The only way to ensure that the data is safe and secure is by keeping the backup of the site. Backup means copying the data in the site to another location so that it can be restored at any time when lost
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Creating basic page is a general test must be done for all Drupal sites. And you are decided to do this through automated tool Selenium.The problem we face here is that you can't test inserting contents in the CK Editor by record and play. You have to insert Selenium commands for adding contents in the CK editor. Lets see how this can be handled.
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