
Zyxware default image3
| 1 min read
Every one will be familiar with the template files.Now lets see the case to theme a block. Here we can use block.tpl.php for theming the block but what if we want to theme the block specifically by a region?In one of my recent projects I need to theme the block in a specific region, I cannot use block.tpl.php as this may cause all other blocks to change.While digging a bit deeper I found out that this can be done easily by using a template for that particular region.Let's see how it can be done so.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Recently I ran into the problem of mouseovers on touch devices. In short, they doesn't exist. I had just created a layout of four images which listed at the centre of the home page as like our zyxware website. And if you check the site on mouseover the image it will expand and while clicking the image it will go to the link added. But the problem is the mouse over wont work on the touch mobile devices.
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| 5 min read
In a drupal site if you want to display the location of a particular place then there are many modules to help you out. In this article I am writing about such a module. The name of the module is 'Location Map module'. In this article you can read about the configuration that has to be done while using the module. The module uses google maps to locate the particular locations.
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| 3 min read
Recently, I got stuck with a strange issue while using CKEditor. The problem was, When code such as v-aligns for tables or inline styles are added in ckeditor and saved then everthing things works fine, but as soon as the page is edited inline css and classes gets stripped off the content.If you are also facing the same problem then read on to know how to solve this.
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| 3 min read
Webform has inbuilt functionality to provide reports for the data submitted. The datas submitted to the webform can be setted to a limit or can be unlimited with respect to the feedbacks needed to be collected.To implement custom reports page using webform views, we need to get the web-form submissions data value by installing the following modules
Zyxware default image4
| 3 min read
Drupal has a lot of contributed modules. Today, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites and almost all the websites are connected with it. So, how can you connect your Drupal site with Facebook? In Drupal 7 there is a contributed module called Facebook Events. This Facebook_Events module allows to show RSVP of Facebook event in Drupal node. This is very useful module for Drupal sites Facebook connection and also FBConnect module which can also be preffered as a linkage to Facebook events.
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| 5 min read
Small and medium sized enterprises(SME) in India contribute to about 45% of the country's total industrial output. They are also creating about 1.3 million jobs every year. Being an industrial segment with 48 million members, they are struggling to exist and grow in revenue. As with any small business, one of the key challenges is to find cost-effective ways to reach out to more and more potential customers. A key opportunity here is the open and borderless market on the Internet.
Zyxware default image4
| 5 min read
Drupal Commerce is a software used for integrating commerce, content and community to create engaging web experiences that bring e-retailers more traffic for more results. With Drupal Commerce, online retailers have a simple yet powerful platform and flexibility to integrate a rich commerce experience anywhere within their environment.
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| 1 min read
Authorize.Net ARB is a standard recurring billing system module and gives you the freedom and flexibility to accept recurring payments without the need of a bulky shopping cart system. The users opting ARB payments mode will be charged the first amount of payment the next day after they subscribe on website, then the recurring billing will start after the first membership period. Paypal too is an online payment gateway but the process is too length for a transactions to complete, fee for multiple transactions, no recurring payment options, cannot make a change in the amount variations on subscriptions.
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