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| 6 min read
When you set out to build a website for your company there are a lot of aspects that you should be considering while deciding on the technology decisions. Based on these different aspects and based on how you prioritize between them the technology decisions that you take would vary. Going for a Content Management System is a no brainer if you wish to manage the content on your site. Both Drupal and Wordpress are good choices for building your new company website. However there are differences between them and this is an attempt to help you make a decision on this.
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| 3 min read
The last version of Drupal 5 was released on Aug 11, 2010 and the maintenance of Drupal 5 was stopped on Jan 5, 2011. The current stable branch of Drupal (as of March 2013) is Drupal 7 and the previous version Drupal 6 will be maintained till the release of Drupal 8 which is expected to happen towards the end of 2013 or early 2014. Drupal 7 will be maintained till the release of Drupal 9 which should happen probably in 2015.
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| 3 min read
Nowadays we can easily access internet in different devices such as mobile, tablet etc. So its necessary to make a website compatible with popular devices like iPhone, iPad etc. In Drupal, we have a simple method to make a website adapt to different devices. In this method we can convert a normal theme to responsive theme easily. To get this we have to modify the .info file and add the media query stylesheets in .info file. We will also have to add the responsive style rules to the separate media query stylesheets
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| 4 min read
A lot of clients come to us asking for running Drupal updates on their sites. However almost everybody asks for a fixed price estimate for the process. There is however a challenge in this because updates would mostly run without problems but you might run into a problem or two once in a while. We have a standard and safe process of running Drupal updates but the safe practices followed in the process would take considerably longer time than blindly running updates on the live site.
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Drupal is a powerful portal framework and a content management system. However the power of the system can really be tapped into if the site is built right. Whether a Drupal site is built right or not is not something that may not be very obvious in all scenarios or for an untrained eye. There are definitely implications for not building Drupal right but the implications may not be very evident always. So how do you know if a Drupal site is built right?
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Finding drupal developers in the market is rather easy but how do you know if the developer you are hiring is a good Drupal developer? Unless you are a good developer yourself it is going to be difficult to evaluate the development capabilities of a developer you are planning to hire. Unless you are a good drupal developer you will find it difficult to evaluate the knowledge of the Developer in Drupal. However this is not that bleak as it looks. There are some simple mechanisms you can use to find out how good a Developer you are dealing with is.
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Quite often we get support requests from clients who believe that 95% of their site is working fine but for a few lingering issues which their previous developers could not fix / complete. In most cases the lingering issues are more symptoms of bad builds than pending issues. In such cases we usually insist on a full Drupal review and audit of the site before we work on the issues. The client would normally be shocked to know that there were a lot of things on the site that were not done right but it would be too late for any corrections by the original developers. So how do you know if your Drupal site is built right?
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| 2 min read
In positive testing our intention is to prove that an application will work on giving valid input data. i.e. testing a system by giving its corresponding valid inputs. For example: Consider Drupal webpage containing a textbox whose specified requirement in the SRS document is to accept only numbers. In that case when we perform positive testing, we will give only numbers as input data in the textbox and analyse whether the application is working properly or not. Here, our expectation is that the text box should accept the given input values.
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| 2 min read
Although there is no specific prerequisite for learning Drupal it would help to have a strong understanding of PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and Javascript before you take up Drupal. This is more so if you are attending a Drupal Worshop conducted by us or by any other provider. You can always pick up and learn these as you learn Drupal but if you have already met the prerequisites then learning Drupal would be much more easier than if you have not.