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| 2 min read
A Drupal+Ubercart site with a store where users can purchase your products and no links to indicate the number of products anywhere in your site seems too annoying. It would be nice if there is a way to update the cart count as soon as a product is added to the cart. Here is the code snippet to get the total number of contents in the cart: <?php print count(uc_cart_get_contents()); ?> You can theme the content accordingly to show the contents in style: <?php print count(uc_cart_get_contents()); ?> items
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| 3 min read
Facebook is yet to be powered by Drupal. We won’t be surprised if they did migrate to Drupal anytime soon. Scalability and Flexibility are Drupal’s core strengths which blend easily with the requirements of a social networking website. Checkout out the top 5 Social networking websites powered by Drupal. You might also find our list of the Top 10 Government websites built with Drupal to be interesting. We are Drupal experts and we can easily help you build your very own Drupal social networking site. Contact us for a free consultation.
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| 7 min read
Drupal is an excellent CMS that is well suited for a small business as it is Free Software. Plus Drupal has a flexible and robust modular architecture that resides in an excellent ecosystem of modules and themes and is serviced by a community spread throughout the globe. Here are 10 essential modules selected from this ecosystem for building a small business website with Drupal. Also check out our list of Top Drupal Performance mistakes. If you are looking for the fastest and most economical way to build your Drupal website, get in touch with us. We offer a wide variety of Drupal services ranging from Drupal migration to Drupal Security Auditing.
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Although the Drupal core provides all the basic functionality to run a website you need to have additional contrib modules installed to extract the full capabilities of Drupal. Here are 18 essential modules we have come up with for building a simple Drupal site. You might also find our list of the Top Drupal SEO modules and Top Drupal 6 modules to be of help. Contact us to get professional help to build your Drupal website. Drupal Theming and Drupal Migration are just two of the legion of Drupal services we have on offer.
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| 4 min read
Drupal is neither rocket science nor designed for developers alone. Any person without technical knowledge and programming skills can build and maintain a Drupal website or multiple sites quickly with little effort. There are a number of books which lets users get in touch with the basics of managing Drupal. We have listed out the Top 5 Drupal books for Drupal webmasters. Also checkout our list of the Top 3 Drupal books for Drupal Developers. If instead you want somebody else to do all the managing part you can hire us to manage your drupal website
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| 8 min read
News portals are just waking up to the immense potential provided by Drupal. Drupal provides a scalable platform that can retain its performance when there are traffic spikes which is typical of a news website. Here is our pick of the Top 7 News sites that have Drupal under their hood. If you are looking to get your news site built in Drupal get in touch with us for a free quote.Our Drupal Services include Drupal Migration Services, Drupal Maintenance Services, Drupal Theming to name a few. Also have a look at the Top 10 Government websites built with Drupal.
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| 5 min read
One of the best resources for Drupal developers is the official website of Drupal itself followed by blogs created by Drupal users and Drupal based companies. There are also a number of books written by battle hardened veterans of Drupal for other Drupal developers. Any Drupal Developer who wishes to get their hands dirty with Drupal should try out these Top 3 Drupal books for Drupal Developers. If instead you don’t want to get your hands dirty you can always hire us to get your Drupal work done. We can provide a number of Drupal Services from Drupal migration and Drupal SEO to providing a Drupal security audit to help build your Drupal site as quickly and securely as possible.
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A majority of the websites on the web are personal blogs and they are a very popular use for a CMS. Drupal provides most of the functionality required by a personal blog out of the box. However Drupal is not just a blogging tool, it is a full fledged Content and Workflow Management System which means that you can prepare for success once you blog takes off in a big way. Having the 10 essential modules for building a personal blog with Drupal will ensure that it takes less effort to have a successful Drupal blog. If you want to build your personal blog using Drupal, do get in touch with us. We also provide Wordpress to Drupal Migration services so that you can provide migrate your existing Wordpress blog to Drupal.
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| 5 min read
We have released a new Drupal theme targeted at individuals and small businesses. The Black Blog theme - is now available on You can read more at the home page for Black Blog Drupal theme at our free Drupal themes site. As with our other Drupal themes, the theme is released under GPL 2.
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Corporates will find Drupal immensely useful for building their web portfolios. Drupal comes with a good collection of corporate themes as well as a plethora of modules for easy creation and a maintenance of such websites. Here are 10 essential modules for building a corporate website with Drupal. Having Drupal experts to assist you is the fastest way to build a corporate website. We provide a wide range of professional Drupal Services like Drupal Migration Services, Drupal Security Services and Drupal SEO. Contact us to know more
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| 5 min read
Drupal provides an extensive collection of community contributed modules that are specifically designed to make your Drupal website more visible to Search Engines. Although high quality relevant content is what ultimately decides your Drupal sites ranking in Search Engines, these modules allow you to further increase your chances of getting better rankings. Having had considerable experience in doing SEO on our own site we have identified the Top 6 SEO modules for a Drupal website. Also checkout the Top 6 Drupal modules for Drupal 6. If you are looking to get professional help to help SEO optimize your Drupal site do contact us. We can provide assistance in Drupal SEO and a wide range of other Drupal Services.
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| 6 min read
If you are planning to build a community website then build it with Drupal. Its core design makes it easy to build a virtual community and most of the functionality required for that is built into it. This can be extended using the following 10 essential modules for building a community website with Drupal. If you want to build your community website in Drupal, contact us Also have a look at the Top 5 most popular modules in Drupal 6
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| 6 min read
Drupal is inherently secure but as with most secure systems there will always be a few security loopholes that could be utilized by a user with malicious intent to bring down the whole site. As usual most of these security flaws lie mostly with the admin users of the website. We have listed down the top 7 security mistakes commonly found in a Drupal website which can be easily rectified by using a simple Drupal Security Checklist. The easiest way to ensure that your Drupal site is build safe is to have it built by experts. Contact Us to build your drupal site for you.
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| 8 min read
There are a few common performance mistake that are commonly found in most Drupal sites. Here are the list of the Top 10 Performance Mistakes in Drupal that can easily be addressed by a simple change in settings or the addition of a module. The easiest way to solve performance problems in Drupal would be to prevent them in the first place. Contact us for a free consultation on how to build your Drupal website right.
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| 7 min read
The trick explained briefly We are not actually going to theme the file upload field as it is presently nearly impossible to do that. Instead we are going to put an ordinary looking 'dummy' input text field over the file field. Next we proceed to make the 'original' file upload field invisible but accessible to the user via CSS. So when a user clicks on the dummy input text field they are actually clicking on the file upload field itself. To make it authentic we are going to copy the file path from the file upload field to the text input field via javascript.
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| 10 min read
Ecommerce used to be the preferred ecommerce solution for Drupal before Ubercart came into the picture. We recently worked on upgrading a Drupal 5 site with Ecommerce to Drupal 7 with Ubercart. The challenge with this upgrade was that the source data existed only in the D5 database and the corresponding code to programmatically access the ecommerce data was in D5 as well while the destination tables existed only in the D7 database with the corresponding code existing only in the D7 database. The solution we went with was to go for a full SQL query based migration to copy over the Ecommerce data from its tables to the Ubercart tables.
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| 6 min read
One of the Drupal sites we maintain had recently started slowing down considerably in spite of the site mostly being static and in spite of boost set up on the server. On examination of the site we found that two things were happening on the site. One was that the site was being crawled indiscriminately by rogue crawlers. This we solved using the DDOS deflate script and setting DDOS deflate to run every 10 seconds. The second problem was that there were some bots which were continuously sending POST requests to /comment/cid/reply pages. For this we had to come up with a workaround.
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| 3 min read
Sometimes we get requests to update Drupal sites and get it done in less than 5 hours. If we take the Drupal update through the full fail-safe set of steps for Drupal updates we will never be able to complete updates in less than 5 hours on a site we don't maintain. For such sites when the cost of the site going down may not be too high for the site owner it might not be too big an issue if the update is run on a hit or miss approach. We normally do not recommend such an approach but this should work on most small sites without any issues.
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| 3 min read
On one of the maintenance projects we got we came across a page that used to take around 11 seconds to load. The page was a views listing for users. We were able to speed up the page load times from around 11 seconds to under 3 seconds by taking out just the distinct option used in the view. The following was the select query that was originally generated from the view with the time logged by views in the preview panel.
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| 4 min read
Developing a Drupal website is a complicated and long process. You have to check whether all the design and functionalities meet with the client specifications. And before the site going to be live you have to check certain criteria.These checklists describes the criteria that should be tested before a site going to be live.